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Azuki's Wardrobe 2019

Hello! This is my third wardrobe post!
Previous years: 2018 | 2017
I simultaneously participated in @thefabledfawn's #eglwardrobechallenge on Instagram. While it initially sounds like a lot more work, it actually helped break down the enormous task of photographing every item I have into smaller, more manageable parts over multiple days, so I'm actually showing a lot more things that I had before but did not photograph.

Background: I have been interested in lolita since 2001 and finally got the means and motivation to start building a wardrobe in 2013. I primarily wear more mature sweet and classic leaning styles with dark color bases (black, brown, and red especially) but I like to try lots of different things, so there are a wide variety of colors and motifs sprinkled throughout. I have organized the items by type and roughly by color.

Names in italicized text are new for this year.

I frequently enter my historical detective work on Metamorphose items into Lolibrary, so I did the nerdy thing and linked the entries for many items that had them. If you have funds to spare, please consider a Patreon or Paypal donation to this valuable, unique resource that we all take for granted and then complain about when it stops working. It is maintained completely by volunteers, and paid for entirely by donations from the community and the site administrators' own personal funds.


Physical Drop Standing Collar Princess OP (2017)
Enchantlic Enchantilly Trois Ribbon Tiered JSK (2013)
Fanplusfriend Frill Circle Skirt (2008)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Shirring JSK (2007)
Metamorphose Lurex Raschel Lace Shirring JSK (2014)

Alice and the Pirates Night in the Devil's Castle JSK II (2017)
Angelic Pretty Drained Cherry Tiered JSK (2015)
Alice and the Pirates Briar Rabbit's Paysage JSK I (2013)
Angelic Pretty Miracle Candy Going Out JSK (2010)
Angelic Pretty Märchen Ribbon Back Frill JSK (2011)

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Sugar Bouquet JSK (2005)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Strawberry Tart JSK (2012)
Metamorphose Wonder Card/Card Playing Kitty Sweet Heart JSK (2012)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Amaretto Ribbon JSK (2012)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Halloween Alice JSK (2013)

Metamorphose Sweets Parade Mini Skirt (2012)
Sweet Addiction Legend of Zelda Stained Glass JSK (2015)
Sweet Mildred Rabbit OP (2017)
Metamorphose Perfume Bottle Frill Skirt (2010)
Triple Fortune Midnight Butterfly Skirt (2016)

Alice and the Pirates Kitten's Wonder Night Tea Party JSK II (2016)
Metamorphose Princess Crown Bouquet Shirring JSK (2009)
Metamorphose Dozing Cat Hakama Tuck JSK (2015)
Metamorphose Romantic Kimono Hakama Tuck JSK (2014)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Tartan Shirring Princess JSK (2011)

Angelic Pretty Country of Sweets Shirring JSK (2011)
Angelic Pretty Classic Fairy Tales JSK (2015)
Angelic Pretty Berry Garden JSK (2014)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Princess Honey's Tea Salon Gathered Bodice JSK (2012)
HMHM Classical Velveteen Chandelier Embroidery JSK (2009)

Metamorphose Rejeana Velveteen JSK (mini length) (2016)
Metamorphose Candy Bottle OP (2016)

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Shirring JSK (2009, 1st release)
Angelic Pretty Miracle Candy Triple Frill JSK (2009)
Angelic Pretty Sweet Ribbon Strawberry Shirring JSK (2008)

Angelic Pretty Gingham Shirring JSK (2007)
Metamorphose Floral Shirring JSK (2014)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Sugar Bouquet JSK (2005)
Metamorphose Candy Shower A Line OP (2014)
Metamorphose Wing Cross Embroidery Short Sleeve OP (2008)

Angelic Pretty Melty Cream Doughnut JSK (2016)
Triple Fortune Lily of the Valley Babydoll OP (2017)
Metamorphose Little Squirrel Button Down JSK (2015)
Metamorphose Nostalgic Matryoshka Doll Lace Up JSK (2016)
Metamorphose Gingham Cherry Shirring JSK (2007)

Atelier Pierrot Rose Lace Bustle Corset OP (2011)
Metamorphose Cherry Berry Song Ribbon JSK (2017)
Sweet Addiction Cookie Otome JSK (2018)
Metamorphose Wonder Carousel Angel Collar A Line OP (2015)
Physical Drop Little Princess OP (2018)

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Stardust Fantasia ~Horoscope of Twin Star Kittens~ JSK II (2015)
Angelic Pretty Romantic Little Garden JSK (2016)
Metamorphose Noble Tea Party A Line Doll OP (2014)
Metamorphose Gobelin Bouquet Back Bustle Skirt (2015)
Metamorphose Cotton Candy Shirring JSK (2012)


Left to right:
Top row: Atelier Pierrot, Strawberry Witch, Bodyline, Bodyline, Ann Taylor, H&M
Middle row: Baby, Infanta, Strawberry Witch, Metamorphose, Physical Drop, Baby
Bottom row: Infanta, Metamorphose, Baby, Bodyline, Strawberry Witch, Surface Spell


Headdresses! I like rectangle headdresses but have a few different other styles too. One of my new favorites is the white horns one from Atelier Beatrice, a small Japanese brand.
Photo 1, left to right, top: Baby, Angelic Pretty, handmade, Antique Beast, Bodyline; Bottom: Metamorphose, Baby, Metamorphose, handmade
Photo 2: Bamboo Fish
Photo 3, top to bottom: Baby, Metamorphose, Angelic Pretty
Photo 4: Atelier Beatrice

Clips and combs; bonnets, veils, and scarves (including my wedding veil, haha); headbands.







Wrist cuffs: Restyle, Bodyline (black pair is modified), handmade
Parasols: Ebay (black), Lolita Collective (navy, cream, pink)

This really beautiful sheer lace apron is my first Korean brand item. It is from Lief's Tulip Gardening series. I want to get a white lace apron, especially the white version of this if I'm lucky enough to find one!


I sold a few bags and and added a few new ones, but overall I feel like I streamlined my collection a bit and I think this is a part of my wardrobe that works really nicely because I have used all of them. Hearts are still my favorite! From left to right:
Top row: Baby, A3 The Candy Tower, Long Ears & Sharp Ears Studio, MuFish, Milky Way
2nd row: DreamV, Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose, Emily Temple Cute
3rd row: La Luice & Alice, Metamorphose, Metamorphose, Baby, Metamorphose, Swimmer
Bottom row: Thrifted, Baby, Metamorphose, Lolita Collective, Enchantlic Enchantilly


As you may be able to tell from the photo, I prefer to wear long socks. :D
I also have a few pairs of simple crew socks for really hot days, and I found a pair of chocolate themed tights from Fluffy Tori that fit!


About half of these are Bodyline shoes, but I've continued to branch out and try new brands when I see them for good prices. I have also expanded my selection of colors, and even got a pair of boots. I have decided I'm sticking to single-color shoes from now on because they're more versatile.
Left, clockwise from bottom: Bodyline, Baby, Antaina, Bodyline, Metamorphose, Bella-Vita, Bodyline
Right, clockwise from top: Metamorphose, Bodyline (pinks-whites-gold), Queen Bee, Taobao, Angelic Pretty

I got some outerwear this year! I am still looking for a proper coat.

Left to right:
Top row: Baby, Bodyline (modified by me from a coat), Baby, Metamorphose
Bottom row: Metamorphose, Metamorphose, Alice and the Pirates, handmade



Metamorphose Venetian Cloak with Cape (2012)
Metamorphose The Beauties of Nature Pleated JSK (2018)
Metamorphose The Beauties of Nature OTKs (2018)
Metamorphose Cotton Blend Lace Short Sleeve Blouse (2007)
Metamorphose Tyrolean Ribbon OTKs (2016)
Metamorphose Back Lace Up Ribbon OTKs (2015)
Angelic Pretty Pearl Fur Cape (2010)
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Feather Lace Head Bow (2006)
Lady Sloth High Collar Blouse (2016)

Lolita related thoughts and reflections on my year are below if you are curious.
2018 goals: how did I do?
1) Set up a spot in my house for taking photos. Additionally, learn to take different kinds of photos besides the selfie in the mirror, and figure out how to pose reliably. I have my photo area mostly set up and used it to take the photos for this year. I still need more light. My partner is getting a photo/video lighting kit in the next few months for their band so maybe I can borrow that. :) Regarding learning to take non-selfie photos on my own, I'm slowly learning to use my partner's DSLR camera. I really wish I had a remote control of some kind. As I thought, I've now got a bazillion awkward stupid photos of myself but I also have a few good ones, and I think I'm learning a little bit how to pose in ways I like.
2) Get better at wearing and caring for wigs. I'm not sure that I got better at caring for wigs, but I have a little bit more patience with brushing them out and I have a method for securing my hair underneath down pat. I have also learned that some colors suit me particularly well (burgundy toned brown!) and others definitely don't (black).
3) Continue to try to be more objective when buying and keep my collection at a reasonable size. Mostly failed this one. I was more picky about what I bought to some extent but I *really* did not manage to downsize overall (I did the opposite and grew my collection more). I only deleted a few main pieces off the list and added about 12, lol. Admittedly some of them were things I found for really cheap that I knew I could wear more casually. I did get some additional main pieces over the year that I sold soon after getting them, and there are a few on this list that are up for sale but have not found new homes yet. One of my sub-goals was to make a wish list of specific items and that seems to have helped with the being-more-discerning part. It can be found here if you are curious.
4) Now that I mostly have the hang of really basic eye makeup, experiment more with color and slightly bolder looks. Also figure out what to do with the rest of my face. Some baby steps in this department. While I did not acquire much in the way of new skills, I have gotten significantly quicker with basics and feel like the few new things I tried worked out pretty well.
5) Get some kind of semi-professional photo shoot done now that I am reasonably happy with how I can get myself to look. I did two shoots early in the year with a photography student but sadly I have not received any of the photos, and it's not looking like I ever will. This one was kind of a bust, but it's not really my fault. The experience itself, however, was interesting and really helpful for me so it was not a total loss.
6) If schedule and funds allow, attend a brand tea party (Metamorphose, Baby, or Atelier Pierrot). This did not happen for me but I thought of it as kind of a long shot anyway given all the trips I ended up taking on short-ish notice. Maybe this coming year will be different. I have a trip to Germany in the works accompanying my partner's band so I doubt I'll be able to do too much lolita-centric while I'm there but I might try for something sort of fancy for at least one day. :)
7) Make three head pieces. A. Black round headdress with black chiffon veil and red/blue removable flower clips (for Briar Rabbit's Paysage, Princess Crown Bouquet and possibly more) B. Red gingham hair bows or half bonnet with white heart cotton lace to match red gingham dress C. Brown fur and green chiffon headdress to wear with Little Squirrel. Well, I didn't make any of the three things I listed, but I did make at least three other things for my head, so technically I still met this goal. I still want to make one of the above for sure.

Favorite experiences/memories
- I was so excited to spend a weekend with my friends at a convention that I forgot to pack other shoes besides 4 inch pink heeled shoes. Oops. Cute, but my feet hurt after 9 hours of walking around in said shoes and I did NOT want to wear them the whole weekend. The friend who drove us to the convention just happened to have extra shoes in her car that happened to fit me. Phew. I don't know that this was my favorite experience but I thought it was hilarious.
- Going out with a friend after our photo shoots, still dressed up, in the middle of a weekday. We confused and delighted people at the bar.
- Getting to go to Angelic Pretty San Francisco/Harajuku Hearts to shop in person! The shop staff was really chill and helpful. I have now been to major brand stores on both coasts. Unfortunately I didn't get to go to the Baby store in San Francisco because I had to leave for the airport before it opened on the one day I had time to go. Guess I'll just have to go back. ;)
- Participating in a June Coordinate Challenge on Instagram. My reflections are here. Overall, I feel like it got my brain in a creative mindset for a while and that was really fun.
- The Chicago megameet in August! It was the largest lolita-centric event I attended all year. I got to hang out with my good friend and chat with lots more people I rarely see.
- Dressing up one afternoon for my friend to take photos of me. It was really comfortable because I know her well, and she had a lot of good ideas for poses and found good spots in my yard for backgrounds.
Other important things I have learned
- Photos need lots of light. Light, light, light. I am a lot more aware of positioning myself/things to reduce shadows but I feel like they're inevitable if you only have a couple of direct light sources.
2019 goals
1) Downsize the collection to no more than 45 main pieces, excluding ones I wear with/as my normal clothes (this means a net offloading of 10). I do not need 55 and I really need to be honest with myself about what fits well, and what styles I am most likely to wear. I'm really going to have to cull things this year since I'm saving up for a trip to Germany in summer or early fall, and I really want to get my student loans paid off -- they're pretty close to gone and I hate that they're still hanging over my head. Over the year, I kept looking at the groups of three photos in my 2018 wardrobe post and thought "out of these three, what one would be the easiest to let go?" and that was how I warmed myself to the possibility of getting rid of a bunch of things. I think something else that will help is wearing a coordinate with something and taking photos in it before selling it. It makes you feel like you got something out of it.
2) Complete alterations on the two pieces I bought specifically for altering. Metamorphose Swan Embroidery Skirt will be turned into a bustle skirt, and Metamorphose Wonder Card/Card Playing Kitty Sweet Heart JSK will be turned into an apron skirt.
3) Throw a tea party at my house. I didn't have any in 2018 and I miss them. My friends have expressed interest in me dressing them up, too :)
4) Go to a brand tea party for a brand I like (Metamorphose, Physical Drop, Atelier Pierrot, Baby, maybe Angelic Pretty) if funds and time allow.
5) Attend at least one meetup in each community I am part of.
6) Sew two pairs of bloomers. I have materials, I have a pattern I want to try out, and my serger is all set up. I just need to set aside some time.

Thanks for reading!

Tags: community: wardrobe post

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