Emily (sugaryalchemist) wrote in egl,

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Mixed Gothic Wardrobe Post 2018

Welcome to my first wardrobe post in probably 5 years. In that time, I have amassed what feels like a small army of dresses in a much more cohesive theme than ever before! I also was able to obtain my Holy Grail dress this year, along with a few other goodies.

Onward and upward!
My Holy Grail dress, Elizabeth Bride of Death JSK I by Alice and the Pirates

Rose's Prisoner in Pirate Ship, Lace Maschera both by Alice and the Pirates

Lucky Pack JSK by Baby the Stars Shine Bright (2010), Just One Bite and The Story You Don't Know JSK II by Haenuli plus detail shots

Horror Garden by Angelic Pretty, and Lace Halter Sundress by Moi-Meme-Moitie
This is my first Moitie piece (sadly, it's toooooo big TwT) and the first AP piece that I don't ever think I'll give up. BAT DETAILS are my JAM!!

Miranda (2008 version?) by Alice and the Pirates, Embroidered Pocket (2010 version) and Princess Frill by Baby the Stars Shine Bright

The Great Voyage underbust JSK by Long Ears and Sharp Ears Studio, City of Devils/Baphomet by Grove Deer
I have an unhealthy love for pirate prints and Baphomet/heavy metal themed items. Obsession. I couldn't live without this Grove Deer dress.

Tartan Check Scallop Hem by Baby the Stars Shine Bright


Pictured above, Unknown print skirt with halter straps by Innocent World I swear I used to know the name of this, but I can't find it on the internet at the moment.

Antique Clock and Bustled Corset by Bodyline


Biscuit Print by Emily Temple Cute, Misty Grace by Apricot/Dear Margaret, modified Sailor OP by Bodyline
It was wildly out of my scheme, but I really wanted the Biscuit print OP back in late 2016, so I got it for fun. I will probably relegate it to an Otome work dress, though.


Clockwise from bottom left: Alice and the Pirates, Long Ears and Sharp Ears Studio, Handmade, Bodyline, Taobao, Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Bodyline, Alice and the Pirates

Clockwise from bottom left: Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Bodyline, Angelic Pretty, Angelic Pretty


The handmade leather bag is my pride and joy! It looks like a pirate treasure chest. It also has a 5 strand braided strap that is made out of one continuous piece of leather. It's really impressive, let me tell you. The others are from Disney, Innocent World and my-lolita-dress.


Top row from left: Primark 4 strap heels, Bordello "Whimsy/Pleaser" boots, offbrand/thrift, Bodyline
Middle row from left: Bodyline, Taobao, Bodyline, Bodyline
Bottom from left: Modcloth, Bodyline


So...I won't even try. I have a few brand items, a bunch of offbrand items, a few handmade things, some Fanplusfriend, and my new Antique Beast stuff. I can't even begin to get through this pile.

From left: Innocent World, Chantilly, Alice and the Pirates, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Offbrand, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Secret Shop, Mufish, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, unknown replicas, Innocent World. Tights at bottom are Taobao and Hot Topic Holy Lantern knock offs respectively.

Bonus: I sneezed toward the end of compiling this, scared my cat off my lap, and then he looked at me over the laptop screen like I insulted his ancestors.
Tags: *alice and the pirates, *angelic pretty, *antique beast, *apricot/dear margaret, *baby the stars shine bright, *bodyline, *chantilly, *dear celine, *emily temple cute, *fanplusfriend, *handmade, *innocent world, *moi meme moitie, community: wardrobe post, theme: january

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