bettiebizarre (bettiebizarre) wrote in egl,

Wardrobe Post 2018

Hat: Made by me (Charlotte's Chapellerie)
Waistcoat: Lip Service
Skirt: Atelier Boz

Blouse: Dear Celine
Waistcoat: ZJ Story
Skirt: Atelier Boz

Overdress: Quaint Lass
Skirt: Atelier Boz

Waistcoat: H.Naoto BLOOD
Skirt: Atelier Boz

Cape: Antique
Blouse & Skirt: Taobao

Hat: Handmade by me
Dress: Spin Doctor
Blouse: Dear Celine

Dress: Ecaillies de Lune - Forest of Pipe Organ
Headdress: Aatp
Boots: Current Mood

Dress: H & M

Jacket: Bodyline
Skirt: Handmade
Bag: Restyle

Blouse: Infanta
Skirt: Lady Sloth
Hat: Handmade by me

Blouse: Infanta
Dress: Dear Celine

Dress: Dark Box - Kostelik Vech Savtych A Kostnic
Hat: Handmade by me
Shoes: Goth Pikes

Coat: Metamorphose Temps de Fille

Dress: Aatp - Dance of the Black Cats

Dress & Cape: Surface Spell
Hat: Handmade by me

Dress: Black Peace Now

Dress: Dear Celine

Blouse: Taobao
Shoes: Ellie
Hat: Handmade by me

Dress & Cape: Infanta
Underskirt: Little Dipper

Dress: Aatp - Guilty Meltin' Sweets JSK

Dress: Aatp - Rosy Night Masquerade

Blouse: Aatp
Dress: Taobao - Abyss Museum

Blouse: Parity Night
Dress: Taobao

Dress: Rainbowy

Dress: Kraad Lanrete - Transilvania Moonlight JSK

Dress: Putumayo

Dress: Sex Pot Revenge

Dress: Aatp - Vampire Forest Elizabeth OP

Underdress: Infanta
Jsk: Inori - Maiden of Versailles
Shoes: Shellys of London
Bonnet: Handmade by me (Charlottes Chapellerie)

Dress: Cheval De Bois

Dress: Haenuli - A full moon night OP

Dress: Cala Rossa OP

OP & Cape - Your gift

Dress: Black Peace Now (My dressform is a size too big so I couldn't zip it up all the way!)

Blouse: Metamoprhose Temps de Fille
Dress: Innocent World French Poodle

Skirt & Bow : Metamorphose - Reto Poodle


Quaint Lass


Black Peace Now

Top Left: Restyle, All the rest: Spin Doctor

Metamorphose Temps de fille & Infanta

Aatp & Taobao

Dear Celine

Parity Night

Spin Doctor & Taobao

Cliche Goth Sleeves by Raven

Black Peace Now

Taobao & Unideer

H.Naoto Jelly & Sex Pot Revenge

A.P, Innocent World x 2 , BTSSB, Aatp, A.P, Aatp

Madame Chocolat, Atelier 17, Madame Chocolat x 3

Jewellery: Mostly Alchemy Gothic. A.P musical note bracelet, Kreepsville breaking teeth bracelet. Amelia Arsenic ribcage.

Aatp, Aatp, Handmade, H.NAOTO

Restyle, Currrent Mood, H.Naoto

Collars and gloves - Offbrand

Bonus - The few remains of my sweet collection

Dear Celine

A.P - Memorial Cake

A.P - Cosmetics Skirt

A.P - Wonder Party

Currently in the mail to me:

Moi Meme Moitie Shirring Chiffon & High neck shirring Blouses

Tags: community: wardrobe post

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