mushroomsheff (sakurasheff) wrote in egl,

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Holy balls I made it - Sakurasheff Wardrobe post 2017

This year was easily the most difficult wardrobe post I have made.

You can find my previous posts here, here, here and here too.

This year inspired by some stunning wardrobe posts I convinced myself I wanted to do it proper this year.  I broke out my DSLR and everything, only to have LJ rip out my heart with it's limits, causing me to batch resize and have pics which were only suitable for ants.  Small ants.

THEN - I uploaded all these pics and none of them came out, cue whining on Facebook asking for help - heck I even created a blogspot just to get round this (spiteful frills, if you were wondering) and still nothing, so I put them on my own Facebook for the gratification I needed, but, it felt like a cheat, so here is my last, last ditch effort courtsey of photobucket.

I was disheartened and disillusioned - dare I try again?

Well I did, with my trust and crappy camera phone.

Please forgive the inconsistencies ad my cat - Old Mo, I feel this year broke me and fractured my mind.

Aha - so here we go

Le Miror - Taobao
This took months to arrive and I didn't evem take it to the bird cafe when I was in Tokyo, I feel I did this out of resentment and spite.

Angelic Pretty
I still love this and want it in more colours

Baby The Stars Shine Bright
I love this dress, it's not my desired colourway, but I can live with it.  Fun fact, someone had my desired colourwayfrom a lucky pack and she didn't want this and was up for a trade - they wanted a dress I was selling for £70 and another, what, £80 on top - nah love, jog on!

Angelic Pretty
Adore this, thought it would never be in my life in this colourway but look - here it is.  Well done me.


When I first tried it on, I hated the cut on me, it was strange, but even stranger, I tried it on again a month or so later and it was perfect, go figure, maybe I was due on or something?

Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Mo may look like he his helping, but when you look in his eyes you see he is judging.  Always judging

Handmade by a talented friend.
I asked for the belt, but I think when I get round to wearing it, I will use a plain ribbon instead.

Rouge Aerie Designs

Angelic Pretty

After 12??? Taobao
Lord I do not know where this is from - I call it not French Cafe.

Taobao? Please, I forget where this is from or what it is called, all I remember is the ballache in actually getting this from my shopping service.  Pro tip - when starting out a shopping service, make sure you know when your colleagues have SHIPPED YOUR GODDAMN ORDERS

This is a silent but deadly piece of Meta - look how wonderful this baby is.

Handmade by another talented friend

Leur Getter

Alice and the Pirates
Pretty much one of 2.5 releases from AaTP last year that I didn't feel was a pile of crap.

Angelic Pretty
I haven't worn this yet - I should, it's lush.

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty
This is one of a fair few dream dresses I managed to track down this year.

Angelic Pretty


Angelic Pretty
Wore this to a convention, got a few "Wow, I love your steampunk lolita coord" - I feel I died a little bit inside that day.  I swear I looked great, I was just around some poor unfortunate souls.

Angelic Pretty
Melty chocolate or as I call it in my head - The ALPHA, and because I do that, I set myself up to always crave the OMEGA...WHEN WILL IT END??

Sweet Addiction

Angelic Pretty

Dear Celine

Axes Femme

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Baby the Stars Shine Bright



Angelic Pretty
I had this, sold it, regretted it and found it again - yay me!

Angelic Pretty
Long time wish list item here

Angelic Pretty
And another wish list item ticked off

Innocent World
This dress makes me feel conflicted #brexit #peopleareidiots

Angelic Pretty
I've always loved this cut.  This dress makes me feel all shades of nostaglic

Enchantilic Enchantilly

This was a great addition, I got this in a trade for 2 cutsews - another win for me!

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Cherie Chreise




Angelic Pretty
My Omega, for now.

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty
I didn't realise how much I loved this dress until I bought it and got it home, hung it up and just stared.

Angelic Pretty

Marchen De Princezzn (?)

Looks like Mo is having a fart - he isn't, he is just caught mid sit

Angelic Pretty


Angelic Pretty


Knight night

Innocent World

Angelic Pretty

Handmade by a talented friend

Innocent World

Angelic Pretty
And major dream item scored for 2016- I had the OP, but no way was I getting that zip up, let's nopt this goes better!

Angelic Pretty
I adore this dress

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty
This dress took so long to be released from sneak pics, but I'm not even that made, because LOOK!

Angelic Pretty
I really want this in blue too - someone tell me not to buy it

Angelic Pretty
This is my super super love and dream item! I wore it finally for our local comms Winter ILD meet.

Rococco Soul

Angelic Pretty

Baby the Stars Shine Bright

I love this dress!  I missed it the first time, and then the second time too, buuut, because Meta are awesome and I am a chancer, when I saw people were recieving their emails saying their order had arrived from the second reservation, I send Meta an email saying something along the lines of "Please help, these are the cuts I would like in these colourways order of preference"  I listed pretty much everything and days later they replied saying they had my number 1 choice all round!  +1000 points to Meta!


Angelic Pretty

Innocent World

Handmade by a talented friend
Again, I'm going to wear with a plain ribbon belt instead

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty
Crap pics are crap!


Innocent World

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty


Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty
This is another wish list item for this year, see, told you I did well!

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Angelic Pretty

Sweet Addiction

And that's pretty much it.
I have a few things in the post, but I can take pics of them next year (probably)

Hope you have enjoyed looking through my main pieces, I was considering picturing other items, like bags and such, but then I lost heart!

Thanks for looking

Tags: community: wardrobe post

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