johorror (johorror) wrote in egl,

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Dear lolita brands, stop putting crosses on everything!

I never see anyone talking about this (I've seen it like once a loong time ago), so I'm wondering if anyone else is just as annoyed, for lack of a better word, as I am about lolita brands putting crosses on everything now? I understand it for like gothic brands/themes because they take from gothic architecture like elaborate cathedrals and stuff, but that's it.
A lot of lolita brands now seem to just do it because it became a thing for some reason. And I'm just tired of seeing it now, not only does it not make sense to use religious motifs with things that have nothing to do with it (not to mention it's disrespectful to use religious symbols as accessorizing aesthetics like that...I also find it weird like...why would you wear symbols of a religion you're not a part of anyway??), but it's just so overdone at this point. Angelic Pretty is the main culprit I see guilty of this. Who else is just done with seeing crosses everywhere?
Tags: discussion: consumer ethics, discussion: misc, discussion: motifs, discussion: prints

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