vanilla1406 (vanilla1406) wrote in egl,

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Vanilla1406's wardrobe 2016

Hello ^^
this is the third time, I'm posting my wardrobe. 2014 -> *click* and 2015 -> *click*
I'm waiting for some items:
- Metamorphose Secret Eden black
- Metamorphose Secret Eden red
- Metamorphose Shirring Tiered Ribbon Pinafore JSK black
- Some items from Lady Sloth

Jewelry & Accessories:

Everything offbrand (local stores, taobao, ebay, indie brand, handmade)

Mostly offbrand, some handmade, some indie brand, bodyline, Metamorphose and Angelic Pretty

From left to right: 8x offbrand, 3x handmade, 3x indie brand: Tokimeki, Li Paro, Bittersweet

From left to right: 2x bodyline, Swimmer, AatP, Angelic Pretty, 3x Metamorphose

Almost everything offbrand, except the two rubber bands from Qpot, and the three bracelets first row on the right: Swimmer and 2x Angelic Pretty

Gloves: offbrand
Wristcuffs: first row -> Btssb, second row -> bodyline, third row -> indie brand

My flower collection ^^ Everything offbrand, except the black roses (lower middle) from Victorian Maiden

And my clip collections. Mostly offbrand, but also some items from Metamorphose and Innocent World, chocomint and indie brands (Vanillas Traumfabrik and Promise of Nostalgica)

Headbows, bows and headbands from Metamamorphose, Btssb, MAM, AatP, IW

Berets: Swimmer, Aatp, Btssb and offbrand

My beloved half bonnets: Metamorphose, Li Paro <3 (made from a Meta totebag for Princess crown Bouquet), indie brand, IW

Hats: Taobao and Promise of Nostalgica

Apron from Metamorphose


From left to right: Lisbeth Dahl, Primark, Baby the stars shine Bright, Metamorphose, Swimmer


I bought all this ankle socks in Japan from different stores. Some are from Swimmer and tutuanna.

Tights with and without print and with lace. Offbrand, the ones with print are from Teja Jamilla

Bodyline, offbrand, Primark, Bodyline
Offbrand, Deichmann, bodyline, Montreal
Bodyline, offbrand, Montreal


All from Metamorphose

First row: Innocent World
Second row: Angelic Pretty
Third row: Btssb

Indie brand - Long Ears Sharp Ears

Outer Wear:

Vintage Cape (faux fur)

Peace Now Bear Ear Cape

Btssb Bunny Ears Cape


First row: OoJia (no replica), Kidsyoyo, Annahouse
Second row: offbrand, offbrand, Btssb
Third row: OoJia (no replica), Annahouse

Boleros: all offbrand


Innocent World Cherub Skirt



Meta Happy Bell Shirring JSK

Meta Room Print Shirring JSK

Meta Apple Print High Waist Shirring JSK

Meta Perfume Bottle Shirring JSK

no title
Meta unknown

Meta Princess Wardrobe Hight Waist Pinafore Dress

Meta Princess Crown Bouquet Shirring JSK

Meta Gingham Cherry High Waist Shirring JSK

Meta Snow Globe Shirring Pinafore JSK

Meta Swan Garden Pinafore JSK Medium Lenght

Meta unknown

Innocent World:

Innocent World Torchon Tiered JSK

Innocent World Music Series Torchon Lace JSK

Innocent World Icing Cookie High Waist JSK

Innocent World unknown


MAM Concerto JSK - LV1004-15

Btssb Shirring Babydoll JSK (2015)
Tags: community: wardrobe post, theme: january

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