Chelsea (im_flailing_now) wrote in egl,

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Chelsea's first wardrobe post!

Well, seeing as the weather here in New Zealand is absolutely terrible right now despite the fact it is supposed to be summer time, I thought I may as well get to it and create my first wardrobe post. Obviously, I have zero idea what I am doing here as it is also actually my first post to livejournal as well. Please bear with me..

2015 was my second year of University so I've been basically broke all year, nearing the end of 2015 I finally got a new job and my wardrobe kind of just took off in the last couple months.

Going by this, my goals for 2016 would definitely have to be:
1. Stop buying everything you see.
2. Buy more blouses so you can actually wear most of your wardrobe.
3. Wear lolita more so the majority of your wardrobe is not "New With Tags."
4. Ignore everything above and buy everything with ducks on it.

If you could please excuse my horrid photos, they looked a lot better on the camera, then when I looked at them on my PC they were much much worse.. but I refuse to start again..
Anyways.. lets start with the post!

DRESSES - One Piece

Chess Story - Le Jardin de Versailles
This was my first dress I considered to be a "dream dress" I did manage to find it new with tags in my size not too long after I started searching!

Magic Tea Party - Duck Print OP
I bought it because ducks.

Metamorphose - Princess Ribbon OP

Metamorphose - March of Duck OP
All of my lifes hopes and dreams. I will collect this print.. I will collect EVERY CUT AND COLOR!!!


Chess Story - Little Ballet Summer JSK

Chess Story - 2012 Lucky Pack JSK

Bodyline - Sabina Small Flower Pattern JSK (L003)

Luna Rossa - End of Vanitas ver. 1

Strawberry Witch - Classic JSK

Krad Lanrete - Mozarabic Chant Long ver.

Surface Spell - Unicorn JSK
Unsure of its actual name?

Surface Spell - Holy Prayer JSK

Angelic Pretty - Sweets Princess JSK
Please excuse the excessive wrinkles.. I do not have an iron at my flat!

Alice and the Pirates - Horoscope Underbust JSK

Knight Night - Underbust JSK
What is this called? I have no idea now..


Angelic Pretty - 3 Stage Tiered SK

Baby The Stars Shine Bright - Chelsea Doll SK
Any guesses as to why I bought this? ;)

Juliette et Justine - La Vierge Marie SK

Surface Spell - Merry and Berry Autumn Sweet SK

Off-Brand - Stained Glass SK
I noticed this is the same fabric as used by a design from Lady Sloth, this is not one of her designs, however.

Magic Potion - The Moon Castle High Waist SK

Chess Story - Starry Night Angel SK

Surface Spell - Judgement Day SK

OffBrand - Last Supper SK

Écailles De Lune - Forest Of Pipe Organ SK

Empress and Moon - Cupids Prayer SK

CEL - St Augustine's Abbey SK

Metamorphose (Replica)
My first ever purchase from, God forbid, Milanoo back when I first started lolita.






And that is basically the end of my post. My apologies, a lot of my photos you can not even see the dress properly. I am really angry about that and will definitely be using a BETTER camera for next years post! And to finish everything off, here are a few more bits and pieces I am either waiting for in the post or am currently paying off!

Baby the Stars Shine Bright - Princess Skirt

Angelic Pretty - Fairy Marine SK

Ista Mori - Phalloides and Lymantriidae SK

Innocent World - Mucha Square Neck JSK

Eden - Christina JSK



And even after all of this, there are still a couple of items I either forgot to photograph.. or ones that I could not force onto my mannequin without the risk of ripping a seam.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my wardrobe post! :)

Tags: community: wardrobe post, theme: january

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