mayoinstrument (mayoinstrument) wrote in egl,

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Kirsten's 2016 Lolita Wardrobe!

Hello everyone, welcome to my first EGL wardrobe post! I had a fun time putting this together.

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All skirts are Angelic Pretty.
Twinkle Carnival, Dolly Cross, and Crystal Dream Carnival.
I love the details in CDC; it was one of my first lolita pieces! I love Twinkle Carnival because it is a less busy version of their other carnival prints. The wearability of Dolly Cross is wonderful - it looks great with pastel goth or creepy cute and doesn't need a large petti to look cute.

One Pieces
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Both Angelic Pretty.
Majorca Cutsew and Milky Cross.
I love the chiffon overlays on both!

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Angelic Pretty Old School piece c. 2001-2003, Ista Mori's Nameless Poem, and Angelic Pretty's Dolly Cross.

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Punkstreet (Taobao)'s Alpaca in Field, and Angelic Pretty's Misty Sky.
Misty Sky was my dream dress for a long time. I am super pleased to have this in my wardrobe!

Jumper Skirts
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Heart E JSK, and Baby, The Stars Shine Bright's Kumya Chan's Christmas Holly Night ~ Scallop version

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Both Angelic Pretty.
Sweet Cream House ~ with Collar and Whip Jacquard.
I bought Whip Jacquard at my first visit to an Angelic Pretty store in San Francisco, so it is very special to me.

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Both Angelic Pretty.
Promenade de Paris ~ Round JSK and Petit Rose ~ Triple Tiered JSK

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Innocent World's Classical Chairs and Baby, The Stars Shine Bright's Antoinette Bouquet ~ JSK II

Alice & The Pirates' Wonder Bunny's Magical Cards Party ~ JSK I and Souffle Song's Choosing

(Accidentally put an OP in the photo, whoops!)
Both Angelic Pretty.
Cinema Doll OP and Shadow Dream Carnival.
Story time: So I managed to snag Shadow Dream Carnival natural waist black JSK on the AP USA release. Mind you, this was not the first time I had bought something from a brand store, however, it was a pretty big release and I had done it on my phone during class. So of course, I was rather impressed that I had gotten it. I had always really wanted a solid black AP JSK and I love everything about this dress. Well, come a few weeks later and AP USA informs me that there is a defect with that cut and color way. (Of course I don't blame AP USA at all. I have had many wonderful purchases with them). Regrettably, I decided to just go with the refund option because I was so set on the black color way. Funny enough, I actually used the refund to purchase Cinema Doll. Fast forward to December and I finally found the right cut and colorway on Yahoo! Japan Auctions! Success. It was a long time coming, but this makes me love SDC even more.

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Die Kleine Mizzi Chiffon OP and Baby, The Stars Shine Bright's Rosa Mistica.
The beauty of Rosa Mistica speaks for itself. Longtime favorite.

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Both are Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
Innocent Rose and Key to Heaven ~Holy Church of the Blessed~ Sistina JSK
Key to Heaven I also bought in San Francisco. I Uber-ed straight from the airport to BTSSB, luggage and all. It was also my first experience in a brand dressing room - kind of terrifying kind of exciting. Either way, it really unleashed a love of wine red for me. The attention to detail on both of these dresses is immaculate.

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I wish the main photo was a bit clearer, but I'll rattle off the brands anyways!
(Left column, top to bottom, right column, top to bottom)
Alice & The Pirates, Yilia, Infanta, Offbrand, HMHM
Angelic Pretty, Bodyline, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Yilia (bolero), handmade, Yilia

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Some assorted bonnets and headbows!
Souffle Song, Angelic Pretty, Bodyline, Souffle Song
Punkstreet, Angelic Pretty, Handmade, Offbrand, Alice & the Pirates, Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright
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Both straw hats are from Taobao, first two berets are "Jedrzejko" on Etsy, last two hats are H&M.
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Veil closeups!
First is Taobao, next is handmade, next is antique.
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A whole lot of flower crowns!
First 5 are handmade, then offbrand, Hot Topic, H&M, H&M, and Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Shoes and Misc.
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(Starting with the black then going clockwise)
Aldo, Bodyline, AnTaiNa, Bodyline, AnTaiNa, Bodyline
I'm really hoping to expand my shoe collection in 2016 a bit more. I'm waiting on two pairs of Mo Mo Vicky Pumps as we speak - one in black one in ivory.
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I have a whole lot of fur collars and scarves.
Vintage, "Peacockalorum" on Etsy, Axes Femme, Vintage, Forever 21, Baby the Stars Shine Bright
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Innocent World, vintage beaded bag, Baby the Stars Shine Bright mini mini, Disney Duffy bag, offbrand knuckle clutch.
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Last but not least...two Angelic Pretty Milky Cross parasols!

I decided not to include socks / tights / jewelry simply because I use a fair share of offbrand items to juice up my coordinates and didn't feel the need to include them for now. Well, thanks so much for reading, have a great day!
Tags: community: wardrobe post, garment: dresses, garment: parasols, garment: skirts, theme: january

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