adoringbunny (adoringbunny) wrote in egl,

New jsk. Many, many questions!

The other night, while looking for some cute black dresses, I impulse bought Btssb's waffle snow dot jsk in pink. I'm sure I'll love it when it arrives, but right now, I'm kind of concerned given I have nooooo idea what to do with it. I'm also very new in my lolita journey, and therefore, barely have anything else to draw from.

Some thoughts / concerns of mine (and things I could use help with):

* In the picture, it looks like it's an a-line. I currently have a Classical Puppets cupcake petticoat. Will this work, or will I need a new one? If I do need a new A-line, what are some good brands? I was looking at Malco Modes, and Bunny House, but I think Bunny House seems cupcake shaped?

* My only shoes are Bodyline's 255 in light pink. I feel like they don't go very well with the jsk? But I'm not sure what other style would be more appropriate.

* I have no blouses whatsoever. I've never had a jsk, so I don't even know how a person decides what sort of blouses work with what sort of dress. I've looked at lots of lolita pictures, but for this specific jsk, I was able to only find this coord from btssb's blog, which is using their chiffon princess dress blouse. Is that the only type of blouse that would work, or can I do short sleeve / less fancy styles? As a blouse related sidenote, I'm very petite in the bust area (around 76 cm). Most blouses I've looked at seem to be too big for me... Am I just not looking in the right spots?

* Tights, higher socks, ankle socks? White ones? Thinking more plain, simple ones would work for now... I'd like them to be versatile.

* Hair, accessories, makeup. Have no idea. Without a print, don't know what to draw from.

I'm sure there's a bunch more, but that's all that's going through my head right now. I'm worried this dress won't be as versatile as I need it to be (so early on while I'm building my wardrobe), and I'm sort of freaking out! Since I have no lolita friends, being able to post about this stuff here is really comforting. So any help or thoughts or opinions would be super great. You're all awesome!

Ps. As another side note, is Mary Magdalene's polka dot chiffon jsk meant to be worn with a blouse? Can't find any pics of it worn, but am kind of liking it...
Tags: *baby the stars shine bright, *mary magdalene, request: advice, request: information, request: inspiration

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