Annabel Lee (joan_kartright) wrote in egl,
Annabel Lee

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Wardrobe Post 2015

This is actually my first wardrobe post to EGL. I have been actively wearing lolita since October 2012 but following the fashion since 2008/2009. It's taken me a lot longer than I had hoped to get everything finished so there are actually a few items missing in some photos; having received some items after photographing items as a group ( or forgetting about them ) as well as a few items that are now leaving ( they were photographed earlier this month and they sold this week) so please forgive the bit of disorganization!

My goals for 2015 are to add more cats, grey, mint, pinks, and purples into my wardrobe and get more bags.. I have an alarmingly small amount of bags for all the colors in my wardrobe. I hope you enjoy my wardrobe and feel free to follow/friend me via these social networks!

Facebook: it's my personal where I also share my coordinates; I don't do 'fan pages':

My blog, which is mostly reviews about items I've purchased and targeted for taller folks as well as my travels around the world meeting new lolitas and conventions:


- Sets -

Emily Temple Cute - British Gentleman Rabbit Anniversary JSK & Jacket: 5341814: Release: 2013
This is one of my favorite prints and when it got re-released with a matching coat I absolutely had to have the set. This is probably my most worn dress out my whole wardrobe, I love it so much.

Metamorphose temp de fille - Engelsbeginn Kyoto Limited Set: Raphael skirt + blouse - Release:2012 - Sax
I actually procured this from wonderfinch whom I also share a meta nurse obsession with. Ironically enough, she fits all of the og Hospitality Doll series while I fit all of Engelbeggin. I'd sell my left leg for the op of this series..And the headdress.

Metamorphose temps de fille - D. Walkure set: hat:15011001 + tie:15011004 + jacke:11011002 + skirt:13011001 - Realease: 2010 - Black
This is actually the second set I've owned. The first set was missing a sash. I will find the mantle and the ever elusive jodpurs one day.

- Nostalgia / One of a Kind -

Metamorphose Temps de Fille - Hospitality Doll 3/4 OP: 310402 - Release: 2003 - Black
This series is fantastic, it's just so dang short! I used to have more of this series, but seeing as how its only 77 cm long and Engelsbeginn fits better length wise, I actually liquidated all but this last op

BTSSB - Swan Lake II : 129-228 - Release: 2005 : Black

Metamorphose - Apple Jsk with collar : Release: 2007: White

Mary Magdalene - Claudia Puff Sleeve Op : 203-0102 - Release: 2008 : Pink

BTSSB - Rose Candle : 132-335 - Release: 2008 : Black
This dress has always been a favorite and iconic piece because of the lovely velvet print. I have also included a close up to show the glitter inlay on flocky print which is very visible in real life.

Hanakotoba Classic - Deer My Love: Release: 2012 : Suburst :
Quite possibly the softest dress I own. I'm such a sucker for one offs and special / small batch series so this was just up my alley. I would like to twin with whomever has skyfall, since I think we're the only people who own this!

Megan Maude - Jam Jellys : Sample Piece - Release: 2011 : Gray :
This print is immaculate and too cute to boot and they honey dogs are fantastic. This particular skirt was a sample for this series and not one of the featured colorways for the series.

- Non Print Dresses -

Juliete et Justine - La Rose d'une Fee JSK : Release: 2007 : Ivory and Pink

Juliette et Justine - Robe de la Antique doll : 14027 - Release: 2014 : Rose

Alice and the Pirates - Sweet Devil Jsk :109P239 - Release: 2013 : Ivory

Victorian Maiden - Fairy Doll Puff Sleeve : Release: 2009 : Pink
I adore chiffon and this dress is perfect for summer. It doesn't fit my body type though sadly, so I'm actually in the process of selling this.

- Prints -

BTSSB - Angel's whisper in the holy night melody Pattern Michael JSK :135-262 - Release:2011: Ivory

Alice and the Pirates - Little Red Riding Hood Behind the Tent II : P10OJ293 - Release: 2014 : Beige

Alice and the Pirates - Electric Circus in the Moonlight Jsk II : P10OJ226 - Release: 2014 : Ivory and Black

Moi meme Moitie - Divine Cross : EGL-09173-BKG - Release : 2010 : Black/Gold

Angelic Pretty - Magical Night Theatre Napolean Special Set : 142PST10-21044 - Release: 2014 : Navy

Juliette et Justine - Cadre du Lapin : 12-014 & 14-019 - Release: 2012 & 2014

Baroque - Missing Letter Keys and Rabbits : Release: 2012 : Orange and Black
Baroque was one of the first indie brands I started following and have really loved their super colorful quirky direction. This is the first print I ever purchased from them and I'd like to own every colorway of this series. It's a very slow road trying to find the green, blue and pink.

Baroque - Ridiculous Circus : Release: 2014 : Black

Baroque - Rapunzel Imprisoned Princess : Sample Piece - Release: 2015 : Black
This is actually a sample piece I received from Baroque to do a product review on before the release. If you're interested on my review it's posted here :

Lief - Noble High Tea Series : 150 - Release: 2014 : Mint

Haenuli - Whipped Cream Kitty : Release : 2014 : Brown

Krad Lanrete - Mozarabic Chant : Release : 2013 : Beige

- Dream Dresses -

Mary Magdalene - Antoinette: 212-0103 - Release: 2009 - Black
One of the first more extravagant pieces I ever purchased was the Antoinette fleur. The arms were much too tight unfortunately and I had to let it go. I was pretty forlorn about never being able to fit this series until I found this version, which is dobby seersucker and fits me perfectly. I'd like to obtain the ivory and peacock blue one day.

Dear Margaret / Apricort - Modern Lady: Release: 2010 - Navy
Everything about this dress is perfect. The colors, the cut, the details on collar as well as the magnificent construction makes this my favorite indie piece by leaps and bounds over the others

Juliette et Justine - Un Manege Robe - Release: 2012
This is the dress that embodies lolita for me, and is easily my ultimate dream dress. I remember first seeing this out on reserve on Kera and checking back to it every day of the reserve, falling in love it with a little more each day.

Mary Magdalene - Elmelia: 223-0103 - Release: 2011 - Navy

Juliette et Justine - La Robe De La Danse: 12-007 - Release: 2012 - Duck Blue
The detailing and layers of chiffon with draping accents made this one of my instant favorites. I would like to collect all the colorways of this series.

- Head Accessories -

Left to right: Metamorphose, Strawberry Decedance x4, Yolanda, Black Gardenia, vintage x2, .Angelic Pretty, Triple Fortune, Metamorphose, Antique Beast x2

Triple Fortune x3, Viege Vampur x2

- Blouses -

Starting at the left and going down: Taobao x2, Handmade x2, Taobao. Vintage, Taobao, Vintage, Lief, EmilyTemple Cute. Innocent World x5, BTSSb x4, Lusty n Wonderland, AATP x4,Juliette et Justine

- Boleros, Coats and Jackets -

Starting at the left : Innocent World, AATP, Innocent World, Putomuyo Victorian Maiden

Vintage, Victorian Maiden, Innocent World

Atelier Boz Rolondo x3

- Underskirts -

Juliette Justine, Lief x3

- Tights and Socks -

left to right: Merry Go Round, Angelic Pretty, Victorian Maiden x5. Juliette Justine x6, Sakizo, Triple Fortune

left to right: Enchantlic Chantilly, Grimoire x5, Baroque x2. Juliette Justine x2, TripleFortune, BTSSB, Enchantlic Chantilly, AATP x2, MAM Avante Garde

- Bags -

Metamorphose x3

Vintage, Taobao, Emily Temple Cute


And this was everything else that came in or found after I shot all my group photos OTL

Blouses: Angelic Pretty x2, BTTSB. Tights: Innocent World, Angelic Pretty. Hat: I Do Declare

- Happy Trails! -

These beauties were in my wardrobe up until this week and are getting packed up and ready to go their new homes, but felt bad to not include them. I hope they're loved in their new homes as they were in mine.

Angelic Pretty, Lief

Thank you for taking the time to view my wardrobe and if you have any questions or requests for detail photos, please feel free to ask, or comment it's all cool with me :3
Tags: community: wardrobe post, theme: january

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