Bunnyhun's 2015 Classic and Otome Wardrobes
Classic Lolita
Jane Marple
Royal Library JSK
Royal Order JSK
Strawberry Label JSK
Angelic Pretty
Coat of Arms Tartan JSK
Melty Ribbon Chocolate Skirt w/ Melty Royal Chocolate Coat
Emily Temple Cute
Image Livre OP
Biscuit Print skirt
Baby the Stars Shine Bright
The first brand I ever bought, Ma Cherie JSK
Alice and the Pirates
Queen Marie OP
Innocent World
Grazia Crown JSK
Krad Lanrete's Mozarabic Chant
Peppermint Fox's Crowning Glory
Altered Vintage dress in the regency style
Baroque Petrock's The Swing long skirt
Juliette et Justine
La Bibliotheque skirt
Forever 21, Innocent World, Taobao
Taobao, Angelic Pretty, Taobao
Taobao, Taobao
Infanta, Taobao
Infanta, Taobao
Offbrand, offbrand
My real goal for my closet next is to get better brown blouses!
Innocent World Napoleon Jacket
Angelic Pretty Polkadot Jacket
Angelic Pretty Royal Melty Chocolate Jacket
Axes Femme Fawn Fur Jacket
Forever 21
From top to bottom, left to right: 2x Axes Femme, Angelic Pretty, Taobao, and 2x handmade
From top to bottom, left to right: taobao, angelic pretty, handmade, vintage, Axes Femme, vintage
All handmade
From top to bottom, left to right: Innocent World x2, Ciciwork x2, and the rest from taobao
Most are offbrand tights, however there are still some brand pieces mixed in:
Innocent World Mucha tights, The Swing tights, and Union Jack OTKs in the middle
Seal Stamp Garter OTKs, Royal Chocolate OTKs, and Union Jack OTKs on the bottom
From top to bottom, left to right: Taobao, Born, Axes Femme, Modcloth, Offbrand,
Offbrand, Taobao, Love, Aerosoles, Aerosoles, and Chelsea Crew
Most are from taobao, some are handmade. The only brand rings are on the top right:
Angelic Pretty Royal Chocolate and two rings from Jane Marple
Offbrand x3, Jane Marple Teacup necklace, Angelic Pretty Sealing Stamp necklace, Baby Key necklace,
taobao, taobao, offbrand, taobao, taobao
Main Pieces
Axes Femme, the most expensive offbrand dress I own as I bought it NWT
Axes Femme w/ Axes Femme belt
Axes Femme
Taobao, Japanese offbrand, taobao
All Axes Femme
All Axes Femme
All Axes Femme
Axes Femme blouse with my favorite Engrish:
How is the herb tea? This is it is herb of the pride that grew up in my garden. With the fragrance of the rose.
All taobao
All Axes Femme
All Axes Femme
Both Axes Femme
And lastly the Swimmer purse and wallet I use every day!
Thank you for coming to visit my wardrobe!
If you think it is missing something vital, please tell me in the comments
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