winterseraph (winterseraph) wrote in egl,

Cyperous blonde wigs?

I've been searching far and wide for a realistic looking blonde wig that I can wear both in lolita and for everyday wear. I want something close to my natural hair colour which is a golden blonde. I've heard a lot of good things about Cyperous but I can't seem to find any pictures of their blonde wigs worn, and I am having trouble deciding which colour would suit me best and look the most realistic.

At the moment I have narrowed down my selection to these two wigs:

I like the colour of the first one but I am worried about it maybe being too yellowy and fake looking in real life. I'm also not sure if the second one would be too ashy. If anyone has owned wigs in either of these colours (or any other blondes from Cyperous) and could shed some light on this for me that would be great.
Tags: request: information, request: photos, request: review

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