Antique Berry (stupsy) wrote in egl,
Antique Berry

Free For All

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Welcome to the EGL Free for All! Now also on Mondays! Yay!

Please take this as an opportunity to get to know your fellow EGL members outside of Lolita You can post WHATEVER you fancy!

Do bear the following rules in mind:
1) ALL rules of EGL still apply! Be courteous and polite. No flaming/spamming/trolling, etc.
2) Keep it P-G. Remember that there are minors here!
3) Max of 5 images per post, please. And please keep them to a reasonable size!
4) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reply to the first comment in this post.

And a couple of reminders:
-The EGL Free for All will be every Monday and Friday. Twice a week, twice the fun!
-Monday's FFAs are for Lolitas outside of the USA, thus the posting time for Monday's FFA is different from Friday's FFA
-The EGL Friending Meme is the first Friday of every month!

Current FFA volunteers:
rainedragon (USA)
deleciel (USA)
stupsy (Germany)
roozumari (UK)
Feel free to PM us with questions!

Tags: community: chat/ffa

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