I don't want starting in lolita fashion with making myself completely bankrupt, so anyone have some ideas about how much money to start with.
Under my websearch, I found advice, I think I follow:
2 shirts(Think I going to cheat a bit and buys some from regular shops, (1. I'm not a good sewer, but I can make them Loliable, 2. I can use them for everydays and even if Loita is not for me)
2 skirts
2 pair socks/thights
1 pair Pannier/Bloomers/Pyjamas shorts(Propably the last one, I don't have a lot of money).
A peticoat
Accessories(I'll DIY here)
And how much did you spend when you got into Lolita(not exaptly cost)? If you remember.