Malin (augustinie) wrote in egl,

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And a Lolita Wardrobe from Me!

So I wasn't gonna do a wardrobe post this year, originally, because I thought I hadn't gotten enough new stuff over the past year.
Well, I had to reevaluate that. There's quite a few new things in there, apparently They just hide well.
So here it all is! It's still kinda small, but it's something.

Start with the basics: Petticoat from Classical Puppets, bloomers from Bodyline and underwear dress from Kläd Dax Mäst i Norrland (Ja, det hette faktiskt så. Ligger i Krokom.)

Pastel dresses!
From left to right: MM replica from Taobao, Angelic Pretty,

Less pastel-ish dresses.
All Bodyline.

Very monochrome dresses.
Left: Bodyline. Right: Bought at a J-pop culture flea market

Angelic Pretty salopette and Victorian Maiden replica from eBay.

Skirts! Both handmade by me.

Thrifted/high street Cardigans, Taobao vest and blazer (best blazer ever. Has ruffles in the back!), Dear Celine cutsew.

Shoes and boots. Yeah, they're not very loli, I know. I really need a pair of tea parties or something (pretty sure I said that last year, too). The docs usually get black laces when I wear them with lolita.

Coats & jackets!
Winter coat from F+F (it has a hood with cat ears on!)
Pink biker jacket from H&M Divided, lilac chiffon thing from Angel-Secret on eBay.

Pink legwarmers and belt are from Taobao, silvers star clip from Bonjour Honey, some things from Chocomint and quite a bit of eBay and Etsy finds. The little bows in the top right corner are made by me.
I think it's fair to say that I'm the kind of person whp thinks the accessories are what really make the outfit.

More accessories!
All handmade by me (there is some more though, that I couldn't find at the moment.) (The black things in the top right corner are a tricorner hat and a mini crown).
Some of the accessories are made to match specific dresses in my wardrobe. Can you guess which ones? ;)

And well, all my socks/stockings are boring except for the pair I'm wearing here and some regular black crochet ones. So we'll skip 'em. And since I'm lazy and would rather prefer to not have to dig up my wig from wherever it is eight now, and also the coat picture didn't really do my lovely coat much justice, here's a pic of me wearing said socks, wig and coat.

That's it for this year, then. If you want to know where a specific thing is from or how it's made, feel free to ask!  ^_^
Tags: theme: january

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