with_a_zacky (with_a_zacky) wrote in egl,

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with_a_zacky's wardrobe: 2014 edition

It's that time of year again! My stuff got pulled out of storage last month so this gives me a good excuse to reorganise everything (it was all sat in the spare room in boxes filling the entire room and getting crumpled up until now...oops!). This is the first year that all my clothes are even in the same house as I graduated last year and moved back home!
20132012 2011PoupéeBlog

I'm only going to be posting quick photos and no jewellery, but if you want to see more of my things feel free use the links above. I tried to do main pieces by brand, but things got a little messed up!

Really sorry about the layout, LiveJournal kept messing it up and I can't face trying to correct it any longer.

Main Pieces
Angelic Pretty

Sugary Carnival, Holy Night Story, Starry Night Theater

Moon Night Theater, Musée du Chocolat, Holy Lantern

Lucky Pack JSKs! Lyrical Party, Lyrical Party, Dream Fantasy

Non-print pieces; the rightmost one is Royal Tailor

Jewelry Jelly, Milky Planet

Sugary Carnival, unknown, Day Dream Carnival

Radiant Candelight, Wonder Story, Twinkle Ornament

Jewelry Jelly, Powder Rose, Whip Magic

Dream Sky, Dream Sky, Dreamy Horoscope, Jewelry Jelly

Unknown, Pastel Pearl, Soap Bubble, Wonder Girl

Tea Time Á La Carte, Dream Fantasy, Lyrical Bunny, Happy Girl

Baby The Stars Shine Bright/Alice And The Pirates

Halloween Alice, Merry Sweet Castle, Circus Tutu (my first ever print!)

Usakumya-chan's Stylish Sweet Time, Garden Alice, Lovely Sweet Room

Name's unknown, but rightmost was my first ever brand dress!

Heart Apron, Swan Lake, Dance of the Black Cat


Sweets Time, Music Note Embroidery, Swan Lake

Names unknown. Not sure why I hang onto the last skirt as it will never fit over my hips!

Innocent World

Tartan Check Frederick, 10th Anniversary, White Rabbit


Far too lazy to name these, sorry!


Emily Temple Cute Mermaid, Bodyline Sailor Maid

Handmade (not by me), Emily Temple Cute, handmade (not by me) with Emily Temple Cute fabric


All Angelic Pretty

Left middle is BTSSB, bottom two are Angelic Pretty

All offbrand

Putumayo and Angelic Pretty jacket/skirt sets

Bodyline on the left, BTSSB top right, AATP bottom right (first brand piece)


Top left two are offbrand; bottom left two Anna House; second column all Bodyline; next column offbrand, Anna House, Putumayo, Angelic Pretty; right column all Angelic Pretty

Left column all offbrand; top two second column Metamorphose; second column bottom both BTSSB; third column Angelic Pretty and two BTSSB; last column all Angelic Pretty

Head Accessories

Bear hat by KawaiiGoods, all else is Angelic Pretty or BTSSB

Left side Angelic Pretty, then BTSSB, Bodyline, offbrand, and Metamorphose on the right


Bodyline and offbrand on left; offbrand, Meta, and BTSSB second column; all else aside from Grimoire Verum cat tights is Angelic Pretty


First four are BTSSB, rest are Angelic Pretty

First pair Bodyline, bottom centre Anna House, right Juju, rest offbrand


Right column BTSSB and Vivienne Westwood, all else Angelic Pretty

Assorted Angelic Pretty, BTSSB, Metamorphose, Bodyline

Parasols are Angelic Pretty and Metamorphose, rest offbrand

I am also waiting for these in the mail:

Candy Sprinkle salopette sets. These actually arrived today, but I haven't had a chance to open them yet as I wanted to get this done first!

Candy Sprinkle special set

Omekashi Doll set

Wonder Queen JSK (with bonnet and headbow)

Wonder Queen special set
Thanks for looking! Hopefully next year I will have less to post!
Tags: theme: january

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