angelicsweet (angelicsweet) wrote in egl,

First classic co-ord help?

I've been a sweet lolita for a long time but I've always admired classic lolita so I finally decided to buy my first classic style dress but I'm not sure how to co-ordinate it properly for classic. A little help, anyone?

I bought this dress from Innocent World:

As a sweet lolita, I'm not entirely sure how to do classic 'right'. I really admire how classy it looks when classic is done and it seems to be quite far from sweet being much more muted and all. I don't want to do it wrong ><

What kind of headwear should I go for? Shoes? Anything I should avoid doing in classic? (Within reason, I like to think I'm not an ita, but more along the lines of sweet lolita things I should stray away from in classic) Anyone got any recommendations for me?

I know there are helpful guides out there but I'd like to get some advice directly from the lovely members of egl. Especially to see if anyone has anything specific to recommend to look good with the dress that I bought. Thank you!
Tags: discussion: styles, request: advice

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