maripinkcake17 (maripinkcake17) wrote in egl,

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Bodyline wig

Okay so I just bought my first lolita wig from bodyline and I'm pretty happy about it but this is my first time purchasing any wig and I'm afraid I don't now how to use it. I know its a kinda dumb question, you proabably just put it on but I would still like to have some tips/advice.

For one, do you have to wear a hair net? The wig I got from bodyline already came with one to hold the wig itself so is that the same hair net I use for my hair too? Also the wig has some clips in it, is that to have a better hold of the wig if so how do you tie the clips?
Last question, the wig is kinda messy, I don't really know how to describe it because its not like a bad messy just like a frizzy messy??IDk but I want to know if you brush the wig what if it gets more frizzy but I know its not good to get the wig wet either, so any tips on that? Also if you just have some more advice you'd like to give please feel free to tell me. Its my first time with a wig so anything would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

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