rolicherry (rolicherry) wrote in egl,

Plus Size Blouse Recommendations

Hi all!

I'm still quite the newbie to lolita, and though I've found dresses I love and that look good I'm really struggling to find flattering blouses and cutsews - I find I can't do sleeves with a lot of poof and collars can be hit or miss on me, so that rules out a fair few basics like most Bodyline blouses.

So I was wondering if any fellow plus size gals have any specific lolita tops they swear by? I wear darker sweet and some classic, and I'd really love some help finding a flattering blouse or cutsew. Preferably nothing from the big brands [uni student, lol] but taobao and offbrand finds would be awesome :)

My bust and waist [in cm] are 98 and 78 respectively, and I'm 169cm tall.

Thank you!
Tags: garment: blouses/cutsews, request: information, request: store recs/reviews

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