aleksxoxo (aleksxoxo) wrote in egl,

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Beginning lolita trying to build a wardrobe: Should I buy a skirt or a JSK?

So I just started out in lolita this winter after loving the fashion for years. My roommate was lovely enough to get me a skirt from Bodyline I was really liking but it doesn't look too good on me (I think prints might not suit me).

It was this skirt if you were wondering:

More details after the cut!

I think I'm gonna sell that and buy something new! I'm torn between the following 2 items:

This JSK in black

or this skirt in black (but replacing that satin ribbon later)

What would be better to get to start out my wardrobe? Why?

picture of the skirt I own. I don't hate it as much at the moment, strangely enough hahah! (pardon my bare feet, just took this picture for this post)

soft cream bodyline skirt

Btw I own this blouse


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