pandasoppa (pandasoppa) wrote in egl,

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sassy wardrobe full of pretty *---thiiings----*

hi everyone! this is my first wardrobe post. just sold my camera so goodbye fabulous pics and hello phone camera. i mostly like sweet, but not OTT sweet really, so sick of that trend haha. i'm more the headdresses and berets than the splitwigs and cakes on my head-kind of girl. oh and by the way i am kind of plus size so if you are too, look at this, you can wear it as well!

we start with outergarments! offbrand jacket, teddy ribbon cape and polka dot marguerite coat from baby

offbrand petticoats hanging above my bed. i also framed a shopping bag from baby and turned it into "art" lol

MAM op in black, and petit patisserie from AP in brown

bear themes! my sweet mate kumyas honey hunt by baby on the left and little bears cafe REPLICA on the right- kill me ok 

shoulder frill ribbon or whatever the name is, a plain white jsk from AP. and here is also my first brand JSK, the "holy mary" one from Baby, i love the appliques and the religious/french theme!

striped salopette and red tartan dress, both baby

shirred old school jsk from baby and a hand made dress ( not by me) 

glass bottle of tears from AP and princess honey tea salon from Baby

bags! clockwise: AP bag which i use like every day, then Babys Usakumya rucksack, a huuge baby bag and a little meta tote.

a shit load of headbows, bows and headdresses. mostly are baby, some is handmade, some AP.

and bye bye says my doll Katarina wearing my IW bonnet. I am too scared to take it off her to wear because i fear she will murder me in my sleep. oh and by the way you won't get to see my shoes, wigs, stockings etc ,i will spare you the pain cause they are all ripped apart and broken.
bye bye! here is my blog and tumblr if u wanna see more!
Tags: community: wardrobe post

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