cimone (wonderfinch) wrote in egl,

EGL's 11th(!) Anniversary

Hi, everyone!

We realized a few days ago that the community's 11th anniversary is coming up on December 29th. So much has happened in the past 11 years, and it's a wonder we're still around. And it's all thanks to you, our awesome, amazing members.

In light of that, we'd like to focus on the members in the upcoming months. During the months of November and December, we'll be hosting lots of giveaways and contests for every member to enter. There are even some you can win just by posting! If you have an indie brand you'd like to feature- or one you'd like to get a prize from- please feel free to suggest it below! We'll be picking up plenty of swag to share with you guys and we'd love to support community members' endeavors while we do it c; (in other words, it can be any indie brand- not just brands that are willing to donate to us!)

We'd also love to see our members contribute in another way- through writing and art submissions. We'll be featuring these on our website in the coming months, so by submitting a piece of art or writing, you're giving us permission to publish them on our website c: If you just want to share a story or piece of art without formally submitting, please say so in your comment.

Here are a few short rules you should read before submitting:
1. All submissions must be received by 1 November. That gives us some time to format everything and get it submitted.
2. All writing submissions must be 500 words or less. This is so there's room for everyone's stories!
3. Art submissions may be of any size, but they shouldn't be excessively watermarked. This way, everyone can see your gorgeous pieces!
3. All submissions should be previously unpublished works. Please don't link us to your blog, or blog entry about one of these prompts! If you have artwork or photography, please don't link us to your dA page!
3. All submissions should be PG-13. We recognize that some people incorporate lolita into their love lives- and that's completely okay. But EGL is, and always has been, a community with a large number of younger members. For their sake, please keep it PG-13.
4. Submissions can take any form that can easily be put on a website. This means that essay-style writing is A-OK, but we'd also love to see poetry, art, photography, crafts... as long as you can get it into some kind of digital format, we'd absolutely love to see it!
4. All submissions must follow this format:
Name: (your username, real name, or a pen name- any of these is just fine! This will just be how we'll credit you on the site)
Can we feature this on our website?
This makes it easier for us to organize c: Please fill this form out for every submission you make (and yes, it's totally okay to do more than one!). Answer "no" to the third question if you just want to share your story here.
5. All submissions must follow one of the below prompts:
"When I first decided to be a Lolita"
"The very first time I wore Lolita"
"My favorite outfit"
"What Lolita means to me"
"Thoughts on the Lolita Lifestyle"
"Thoughts on EGL & the internet Lolita community"
"The very first time I saw another Lolita"
"How Lolita has changed since I first started"
"My message to other Lolitas"
"Lolita around the world"
"Lolita and feminism"
6. All submissions should be sent as comments here, or via PM to wonderfinch. This is just so we have things spread out in as few places as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please comment below with them, or drop wonderfinch or milkteamilk a line!

Other than that, we look forward to celebrating the past, present, and future of lolita outside of Japan with you!
Tags: !mod post, 11th anniversary

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