Sprinkle (sprinklepuff) wrote in egl,

Maintenance of Long Wigs

I have a somewhat n00bish question in regards to long wigs. I've only ever worn short wigs - the longest wig I've owned was just a little past chin-length. Thus, they weren't exactly high maintenance.

However, I've been eyeing this wig on eBay, but I'm a little scared. I've heard some horror stories about what a pain in the butt long wigs can be, what with tangling, and I'm wondering if I should even bother. With that kind of price tag, I don't wanna end up with a tangled, clumpy monstrosity after a few months, especially since this will mostly be worn for outdoor events.

So just how difficult can long wigs be to maintain? Does it really vary, depending on the wig's quality? Or is it a given that most long wigs are gonna eventually give one trouble?
Tags: beauty: hair/wigs, request: advice

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