Sören (vackert_vitt) wrote in egl,

Appearing too wealthy

Due, no doubt, to recent political trends, I've noticed more and more people being openly unaccepting of and even uncivil towards people they believe to be too wealthy. I can't be certain, but I believe this is the cause of an upswing in the number of negative reactions I receive when I wear Lolita clothing. Only a few years ago I was able to wear this style in public and receive no negative feedback at all, but these days I hear people insulting me (either to my face or talking badly about me to others) very often. I've also had people ask me, in an accusatory tone, "That dress/skirt/shoes looks very expensive. How much did it cost?" Luckily, I buy only budget-friendly Lolita clothing, so I'm usually able to give an answer that makes them treat me more warmly. I also get this kind of treatment when I wear other styles which look expensive due to their intricacy of detail and deviation from the norm. Has anyone else experienced this?
Tags: discussion: consumer ethics, discussion: cost of lolita

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