I think it would be lovely to have a comprehensive pinterest/tumblr/blog list, so that we can follow those who have similar styles to us and get ideas on dresses/accessories/etc. These should be lolita-themed, naturally.
I created a form via google docs to have this auto organized, so go to the URL below to add yourself:
And the results can be found here:
http://tinyurl.com/loliblogslist - in spreadsheet formhttp://tinyurl.com/loliblogsummary - in summary form
(Summary form doesn't work, apparently)
Finding your Style
CTRL+F to find your style
Copy + paste into a google docs spreadsheet
Click top column (A, B, C, etc.) of what you want to sort (username, style)
Click right arrow --> sort sheet
Having your own copy
You can always access via those tinyurl links as I've made this form/spreadsheet open to the public. But if you want your own copy for whatever reason:
Go to the spreadsheet --> File --> Make a Copy OR Download as...
If you have ideas on how to improve the form/spreadsheet, or any navigation tips, let me know as well!