Katherine Johnson (rebelgeisha) wrote in egl,
Katherine Johnson

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New to lolita fashion, petrified of dry cleaning. Any other options?

I guess this is more of a vent. I am brand spanking new to all of this, yet I feel such a pull to the point that I fell in LOVE with a Metamorphose dress and bought it. But.... I have this fear of dry cleaning. As I hold this lovely, new and fabulous dress in my hands I just imagine, who is going to be the jerk the ruins it?

To put it nicely, people where I live are really not very caring. I have heard only horror stories from my friends when they have any garment dry cleaned. Hence there forth, no one buys stuff that needs to be dry cleaned. My girly little heart sort of forgot about this as I excitedly slammed away on my smartphone and ordered my beautiful rose print pinafore dress. And of course, the one I have needs to be "Dry Clean using only petroleum solvent. Usually used with other restrictions." GRRR! Sooo... Are there any at home steamers that I can use? Are there any other people out there that have this same fear and refuse to dry clean? Rest assured, I certainly won't be walking around in a lovely dress, stinking up the place. That is why you lovelies need to help me create a game plan that works! Pleeease? And thank you! :)
Tags: discussion: clothing care

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