I wanted to put out a thread for some help on hair styling for lolitas with short hair. And by short, I mean SHORT.
Now, I have extremely short hair. I mean in-between pixie and shoulder length. This presents a bit of a problem. For reference, my hair is around this length:
It is a tad longer in the back, but not by much. It doesn't even cover the nape of my neck. This is roughly the style of my hair, as well.
This presents a bit of an issue for me. I don't have enough hair for the curly pigtails or, indeed, any curly, girly do's that is so prevalant in lolita fashion. I personally do not like how I look with longer hair, either--I have a round face, and longer hair makes me look bigger than I actually am. This destroys any desire for a wig, as well. Short is the way to go for me.
So, my fellow lolitas, I ask you. I have yet to see any styling tips or how-to's for lolitas with pixie or long-pixie styled hair. What you recommend? How can it be achieved? Will it take more work, or less?
I want your opinions and, more importantly, your help, because this has been bothering me for a while.