I've been in the process of shifting from lolita to otome-kei, so I've sold large chunks of my lolita wardrobe this past year in order to accomplish that. It feels a bit empty to me compared to the size it was before all the sales, but I'm sure I will eventually add new pieces that I can wear out more. :)
I hope you all enjoy the pictures! <3
First up are the accessories! Rather than photographing everything in categories (which would take too long and be boring lol) I snapped different views of my stand that contains the bulk of the jewelry that I use in lolita.

Next are the jewelry bits I keep stored in boxes.
(My poor Swimmer carousel can't handle anymore as you can see hahaha)
All are either vintage or offbrand finds; the tiny violin is actually a pin.

One of my favorite new purchases is the dollhouse necklace which opens to reveal two little dolls sleeping.

And last of my accessories photos, is my small Q-pot collection (exception is top ring which is BTSSB.)

Next are the skirts.
From top left to right: AP, AP, AATP, offbrand, AATP.

Now onto the JSKs/OPs. I think I'm only missing 2 skirts/jsks which are currently at the cleaner's.
From left to right: offbrand, offbrand, JetJ.

From left to right: offbrand, AP, BTSSB.
Although you can't tell by the photo, the tartan dress is heavily layered and can achieve awesome poof with enough petticoats! Makes me feel like a punky 18th century countess! :)

From left to right: All AATP.
These are my fairytale prints!

From left to right: offbrand, offbrand, Bodyline.
The middle one I affectionately call my Poe dress due to all the embroidered ravens.

From left to right: BTSSB, AATP, AATP.
The bulk of my Alice-related prints lol! The Alice funfair dress was a wishlist item I finally crossed off and picked up on my trip to Japan last spring.

From left to right: All AP.
Some of my bittersweet prints.

From left to right: JetJ, AATP, AATP.
The Tarot card print was one of my absolute favorite buys last year. It is also the one dress I enjoy wearing out the most, funny how that works lol!

From left to right: ETC and BTSSB.
Another wishlist dress I was finally able to cross off was the ETC townhouse print. :)

Next up cutsews. Unfortunately, I just got back from vacation a few days ago and haven't had time to launder my trip clothes. So a handful of cutsews/blouses are either in the hamper or at drycleaner's lol!
From left to right: 6%dokidoki, offbrand, Milk, offbrand, h. Naoto, Wonder Rocket, offbrand, Liz Lisa.

Blouses! (Really need to buy more @_@)
From left to right: AP, AP, IW, BTSSB, AP.

Now onto the cardigans/boleros! I enjoy having alot of different ones to create a entirely new coord using the same jsk/skirt. I've found that they really help stretch out your wardrobe and uses.
From left to right: All offbrand.

From left to right (top to bottom): AP, Bodyline, and the rest are offbrand.
The sparkly designed ones on the right are the back of the cardigans. :)

From left to right: offbrand, felissimo, Liz Lisa, and fawn collar by Alice Doll.

Now onto my jackets.
The very 1st one is my favorite, it has a huge bustle back that makes the coord look a bit Victorian.
From left to right: offbrand, offbrand, AATP.

Next up are my coats/parka. Not much in this section lol!
From left to right: AP, offbrand, BTSSB.

Next are hair accessories/hats!
A varied assortment of offbrand, vintage, and lolita/fairy-kei brand.
The full size sailor hat was a lucky vintage find and looks great in pirate-y coords.

Miscellaneous accessories like belts and umbrellas. :)
All are offbrand.

And now we come to purses and shoes!
Before getting into this fashion, I was into gyaru (well still am lol!) So rather than purchasing separate bags, I incorporated and made use of the girly ones I already had. Plus, they can carry a heck of alot more lol!
From left to right (top to bottom): IW, ST, vintage, ST, chocomint, ST, and vintage.

Next are shoooes! I've been moving away from exclusively lolita shoes to buying/using everyday shoes for coords. From my personal experience, I find that both replica/brand shoes suffer far too much from subpar quality (absence of leather, wear/tear, craftsmanship etc.) So I try very hard to look for offbrand shoes that could work for both this fashion and everyday attire. Plus it keeps hubby happy since we share a tiny closet.
From left to right: all offbrand except for front shoes which are Bodyline (heart buckle, cross straps.)

From left to right: all offbrand except sandals which are BTSSB.

Last but not least, socks and misc! Moving into otome-kei, I've been selling my unused socks like crazy and using tights instead-- so I don't have much left in the way of OTKs. I had taken photos of my tights collection but unfortunately, could not get the textures/patterns to show up properly. So I excluded them from the post. :*(
From left to right: IW, IW, AATP, and the rest are offbrand.
Wrist cuffs were handmade by egl member and bow pin is BTSSB.