with_a_zacky (with_a_zacky) wrote in egl,

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Sweet Lolita Wardrobe Post

Here is the link to last year's post: http://egl.livejournal.com/16803756.html
My Poupée closet: http://pupe.ameba.jp/profile/sDfWbM8SpEwr/

My wardrobe after everything was taken out and put back in! The rest of my things are in boxes and some in my home wardrobe.

I must warn you...it's pretty ridiculous. This stuff was stored in 3 different houses, but while doing this it's now spread across the two. I rotate my things in and out of storage, so crinkled things were probably boxed up before I took these pictures! Since going through everything took an age, I haven't bothered with offbrand 'loliable' stuff or underthings.

Sorry the photos are so rubbish, I'm short so it's difficult to take them anyway...but I borrowed the good camera for the home photos, but it turned out to have a really smeary lens and the flash wouldn't work either Dx So apologies for that! I think the others turned out fine though.

Angelic Pretty's Jewelry Jelly & Holy Night Story.

Angelic Pretty's Lyrical Party (though everyone calls it Bunny?).

Angelic Pretty's Sugary Carnival, Starry Night Theater & Wonder Girl.

Angelic Pretty's Lyrical Party & Tea Time A La Carte.

Angelic Pretty's Happy Girl & Wonder Story.

Angelic Pretty's Powder Rose, Sugary Carnival & Jewelry Jelly.

Angelic Pretty's Twinkle Ornament & another.

Angelic Pretty's Pastel Pearl, Dream Sky & Soap Bubble.

Angelic Pretty's unknown & Whip Magic.

Two Angelic Pretty & one BTSSB.

BTSSB's Usakumya-chan's Stylish Sweet Time, Alice Garden & Lovely Sweet Room.

BTSSB's Merry Sweet Castle (headbow got missed in the headdress photo hehe) & heart apron.

Handmade (bought on eBay), BTSSB's Swan Lake.

BTSSB's Halloween Alice, Putumayo.


Dream of Lolita's Little Bear's Café, Metamorphose & BTSSB's Circus Tutu.

Emily Temple Cute's Mermaid Print, ETC's unknown & Alice and the Pirates' Dance of the Black Cat.

Both Innocent World.

Dream of Lolita's Milky Planet replica, Metamorphose's Sweets Time, Swan Lake (the print that made me fall in love with lolita!).





Metamorphose, Primark.

Two Angelic Pretty, Bodyline, BTSSB.

Two BTSSB, Angelic Pretty.

Two Bodyline (my poor pink bolero had a run in with my mum's poor washing!), Alice and the Pirates.

Angelic Pretty.

Putumayo, three Bodyline.

Two Anna House, Angelic Pretty, Bodyline & another Anna House.

Angelic Pretty.

Two Metamorphose & three BTSSB.

All Angelic Pretty.

Angelic Pretty, BTSSB, Metamorphose.

Two Angelic Pretty, one Bodyline, one Meta.

Three Bodyline, two BTSSB.

Angelic Pretty, Disney, Metamorphose.

Vivienne Westwood replicas.

Five BTSSB, one Meta, ten Angelic Pretty, two H&M, one Dream of Lolita and one TU.

Six Bodyline, two Angelic Pretty, two BTSSB, one Metamorphose.

BTSSB cutsew, two pairs Angelic Pretty socks, Angelic Pretty headbow, DoL headbow, two pairs offbrand socks, Secret Shop socks.

Lots of offbrand, with KawaiiGoods, Now Voyager, Metamorphose, BTSSBxCharmmy Kitty, Novala TakemotoxHello Kitty. This is just a sample, I seem to have *ahem* misplaced some of my most-used items.

Six offbrand, one BTSSB, six Angelic Pretty.

One BTSSB, two Angelic Pretty, one Bodyline.

Angelic Pretty, two offbrand, Angelic Pretty, offbrand, Bodyline.

Montreal, GLP, Vivienne Westwood, BTSSB, Angelic Pretty, Antaina.

Antaina, Bodyline (they were hiding when I took the other pictures!).

Anna House, two Bodyline, two Angelic Pretty, two BTSSB.

Metamorphose, BTSSB.

I've been a lolita for over two years now, and am trying my hardest to not buy any more stuff! Going to try to part with some pieces and maybe trade others, but am finding it rather difficult Dx

Well, that was awfully long! Thanks for bearing with me.

Tags: community: wardrobe post

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