dreamsoflace (dreamsoflace) wrote in egl,

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Mexican Pop Group EME15's gimmick is... LOLITA!?


So, I was happily wandering around Facebook, when I came across a photo of a new Mexican pop group known as EME15...

Yes, they're exactly what they look like. RBD clones where the girls wear altered Lolita dresses. The comments underneath this image were full of Lolitas and Japanese fashion fans expressing their outrage. Of course, I ran to egl immediately to see if anyone had posted about it. No-one had, so I'm doing it now.

The article connected to this image basically listed these things:
  • EME15 are the focus of a new tv serial or soap opera calles MissXV. MissXV is a remake of an old 80's serial called Quinceañera, only apparently with more lace.
  • It is being launched by a man named Pedro Damian, who not only is the mastermind behind the older pop group RBD, but also apparently has no clue about lolita fashion.

So, what do you think? Do you like their look? Are you going to watch the serial? Or are you going to send the creator of this travesty a copy of Kamikaze Girls, an issue of the GLB, and a very angry letter?

(As for me, I'll settle for complaining about it on the internet.)

PS - I remember a lolisecret from a while back where someone wanted to see RBD in Lolita. Looks like that person got their wish... kind-of.

EDIT 1 - LINK to the post. (Spanish)

EDIT 2 - Here's a video of them in action. Sounds like regular Latin pop, nothing special there. 

Tags: media: lolita in the media, media: music

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