p2mangil (p2mangil) wrote in egl,

Need help! (also random dolfie sighting and outfit)

Hey there. I have lurked a bit. posted here and there. But I need help jazzing up this outfit. All of it is either handmade or off brand. so I can change things here and there to make it what I need to. anyways 

Here is the outfit I have for christmas. 

forgive the crappy camera angle. I have a lack of full mirror. I thought of a larger bow in back and a neck tie under the collar. also maybe a design on the skirt......Any suggestions would be helpful. I have a back up plan just in case.

Anyways here is my random find. I was walking through hobby lobby and this caught my eye

If im not mistaken....isnt that a BJD face?? They are quite unique in their style so it was kinda hard to miss. LOL
Also this past weekend was my niece's 2nd birthday and it was Minnie Mouse themed. so I made this outfit. ^_^

anyways. Thanks for looking. I'm still getting the hang of the style as well as shape it to my own personal taste so please be kind ^_^

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