eglmods (eglmods) wrote in egl,

  • Music:

The Petticoat Press

November 7 to  November 13
Issue 7

Brought to you by xaynie & colortheory - Newsletter Editors; wonderfinch - Lazy hobo who can't get anything done on time; Brand Ambassadors - gensou_alice (MMM), crystal_moon975 (Baby / AatP), sheraccoon (IW), beautifultwist (Meta), mieke_chan (AP), luxe_lion (JetJ); And our friendly mod team

Hot Topics in the Lolita  Blogosphere

Brand releases

Innocent World
Baby Stars / AaTP  
Angelic Pretty
Juliette et Justine

Tutorial of the Week

Elegant Poupee - Horns Hair Tutorial
We love these darling hair horns!

Community Related News & Discussions

  • The new Meet the Mods post is up c: If you've ever been curious about our favorite ice cream flavors, video games, or weird hobbies, that information is now public and available here for your perusal.
  • All listings must be priced. The one exception to this is trades: if you feel you may want to repost your trade or switch it to a DS before the 4-week waiting period is up, please put some kind of price on the post so you have a point from which to reduce. Otherwise, the rules are still the same- you can post your trade sans price, but must wait four weeks to repost it or switch post types.
  • For DA (direct auciton) posts, both the starting price and the buy-it-now price (if applicable) must be reduced by 20% or more if the item for auction is reposted within 4 weeks.

  • Guidelines for feedback can now be found here. Please note that these are guidelines, not rules. If you go to leave feedback and you feel your situation is not clearly covered under these guidelines, we’ll be happy to offer advice and help. If you’ve been left feedback that you feel is unfair, even if it technically fits the guidelines, don’t hesitate to contact us, as well- as before, we are always happy to review feedback disputes.

We probably won’t be doing too many more rule updates after we wrap up the last of the suggestions next week :) We were just trying to clear through the backlog of (awesome) suggestions we had during the closure!

Notes for the Community
Just as a heads-up, if you ever have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know :) We value community members’ input and we’re really just here to make sure things run smoothly. If you’re too shy to comment publicly, please feel free to comment on this post in the egladmin journal. Anonymous commenting is enabled, IP tracking is disabled, and all comments are screened to protect your privacy.

Sorry to get this up late, everyone! colortheory’s computer is fried, and I didn’t find out until later this evening that the newsletter needed to be posted. -wonderfinch
Tags: community: weekly updates

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