nekolalia (nekolalia) wrote in egl,

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Concerns re: Japonica Market

Hello, I hope it's ok to post this question here, I'm just very concerned!

I won a bid via Japonica Market the day before yesterday, and I have some questions I wanted to ask them but they won't reply to my emails!

I've never used this service before so I wanted to know whether they bid my maximum amount (what I sent as a deposit) or whether they made a smaller bid first, it would make a big difference because my deposit was quite a lot and I'd like to know if that money is going to be made available to me again... no reply and I'm getting really nervous! I'd also like some general idea of how much shipping will cost, though I'm less concerned about that.

Has anyone else had trouble communicating with Japonica Market? It took them 24 hours to tell me if I'd won the auction too, even though I emailed and asked politely after about 12 hours. They responded to that email with, 'wait a little please'. It just seems strange that they have the time to reply to my email but not to send me a yes or no to my questions. 

Sorry for the rant, I guess I'm just wondering if I should be concerned or if this is normal for Japonica Market, and if anyone knows how they normally bid - for example would they necessarily make my maximum bid or could they have bid less?

Thank you so much!

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