xxsweetskullxx (xxsweetskullxx) wrote in egl,

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silly question about matching shoes and purse

 Hello girls and boys, so as I'm getting my frills ready for another convention in my sister town across the border, I came across a rather "difficult" question. Should shoes always match the purse ??
I plan to wear my not-so-recently aquired dream dress Melty chocolate OP in brown. with a pair of pink teaparty shoes and pinkxbrown stockings.
I would like to use a brown purse because I dont want to wear too much pink but I'm afraid it will look odd because of my pink shoes D: Oh! the DRAMA! 
xDD jk
Anyway, what do you think about it, do you always match shoes and purse? suggestions to make this coordinate more interesting?(Pictures are more than welcome)

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