cocoa_vs_donuts (cocoa_vs_donuts) wrote in egl,

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I am so excited! I wish to plan an Orange County Happy Halloween Weekend Meetup!?(Solved)

So everyone seems to be so busy and it is right before the holiday season.
I have only been to one lolita meet since I got into the lolita fashion and that was this past May at a convention.
I am fairly new to this fashion, very indecisive yet optimistic,and was wondering if you lovely ladies are up for a meet in the lovely Orange County for either the Irvine Spectrum (which is a fun little mall with Movies and a fun lunch)  or Disneyland in Anaheim (with fun all around)!
I am just awful at planning up ideas so this is a huge jump for me >//< 
So I wish to know which sounds like more fun?Which meet you would all mostly attend ?
As well as what activities you wish to do?I really want to make this happen. 


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