thelolipop (thelolipop) wrote in egl,

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Kodona top hat question. Your opinion?

Hello! This is my first post here--nice to meet you all! I searched past posts, but there's not a TON of dialogue about kodona-specific accessories. I want to give kodona a try, and I want your opinions about hats!

When it comes to top hats, is over-sized or mini better? I personally think mini top hats are cuuuuute, but I haven't put together a proper kodona coordinate before.

What do you think of these mini top hats?

I think that the first one is the least costumey-looking one, but I'm not sure if the flower makes it too feminine. The scond one, even though I like the pirate broach looks kind of cheesy. And I like the third--but so much sequins! That veil would have to come off. I like these hats from Leg Avenue because they have a very Victorian feel, in my opinion. What do you guys think? If you had a choice, which would you buy?


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