sosoleinchen (sosoleinchen) wrote in egl,

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Anna House Problems with customized items


I've ordered some customized items by AH, but they sent me the wrong sizes and colours. They completely ignored all of my wishes.
Has anyone of you some experiences like that?
I asked them what to do and they want me to sent the items back and they'll sent me the correct ones. But how can I be sure that they wont sent me the wrong sizes again? And the biggest problem are the shipping costs. It would be so expensive to sent them back! Will they pay for the shipping? I'd prefer to get a refund or that they just sent me the items but  I don't sent the wrong ones back. Will they accept it?
I've already written an e-mail but it lasts soooo long until I receive an answer, maybe you like to share your experiences while I'm waiting :)
Tags: *fanplusfriend, ordering: misc questions, request: advice

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