zammap (zammap) wrote in egl,

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Site Testers needed - anyone willing to spend $3?


I'm just finished working on my webstore but I'm not quite sure it's 100% functional. I did as much testing as I could myself but before I go running off linking every where I wanna know if the checkout process works. So far I have it set to paypal only (because I don't trust this freeware credit card codes yet) and I tried to set my own shipping by weight system to match the USPS rates.

All I'm asking is if there is anyone interested in buying an item or two to see if there are any bugs, and to figure out how this system works. My items are not at all expensive so this should not be a bother to anyone who finds something of interest. . .

. . .

Please post below if you find something of interest and want to help me test the new site. I want to "watch" the site and see what it does as someone shops, orders, and checks out. This would be GREAT help and I THANK who ever is able to help!

Thank you!

here is the site

or try



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