Hey Guys! I need to know if this dress will fit a 91 cm bust nicely. It's got no shearing in the back but looks very ..free flowing? In the front!! Please help I need to know as the auction will end soon. orz. Thank you!!
URGENT: Sizing help please!
Hey Guys! I need to know if this dress will fit a 91 cm bust nicely. It's got no shearing in the back but looks very ..free flowing? In the front!! Please help I need to know as the auction will end soon. orz. Thank you!!
LolitaKnot.com FREE Giveaway Event
Hello, lolitaknot .com is holding a giveaway event. Is any one ready to join in? Maybe, it is great budget😁
My 2023-2024 Wardrobe post!
Uploaded my wardrobe video to youtube! Hope you all have a wonderful 2024 https://youtu.be/PLzIBTvn9XA
How is my ouji boystyle lolita set?
I love this set so much!! I bought is from a online store lolitaknot.com. Even though I keep waiting for almost two monthes, but when I got it, it…
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