You can see the Flying Love from Juliet print on Baby's reserve page already, but here is the ad, to see it on a person:
This print hasn't been released anywhere as far as I know (might be on a blog somewhere). It is a circus print, called Twilight Circus.
These images are copyright of KERA/Baby/AatP so please only use them for personal use.
I am disabling comment notifications for now because I got lots of backed up messages in my inbox from what could be called the Great Choco Chess Debacle of 2011. If you have any questions regarding reservations of these prints, please don't hesisate to contact me. The Juliet print opens on Tuesday (19th), but I am not sure about the AatP circus print though yet. I might be a bit slow to answer emails/PMs but I am here and will answer you eventually!
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