arsenicold_lace (arsenicold_lace) wrote in egl,

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Innocent World Summer 2011 A and B Lucky Packs

I ordered both the A and B sets, and Innocent World shipped them all in one box, and save for the accessories, everything was just stacked in one big box, so I have no clue which items are from the A and which are from B.

Update: Here is my best guess of what was in the A vs. B set Packs: 
Also you can click on any of these photos (below) to see larger view.

First off the two accessory packages and the blouse that must have been in every pack (I got two of the blouse with detachable Jabot, will be selling one). And yeah for mostly OTK socks!
CIMG0181 CIMG0178
CIMG0174 CIMG0182

Back when we were all guessing what might be in the IW LPs this time round, I did guess collapsible umbrella, and yeah I got one. I'm now worried that I will manage to lose the cover for it at some point.
CIMG0176 CIMG0175

I adore this black and cream bolero and the black chiffon JSK with matching headband.
CIMG0183 CIMG0185
CIMG0213 CIMG0222

More black, a nice basic black skirt that I can wear to work, etc. and some super cute bibbed shorts (which are a size M and *just* fit me, I really wear a L for IW pants/shorts) 
CIMG0195 CIMG0198

More stuff that I can actually wear to work, this pale dusty rose blouse and skirt. The bows on skirt are same fabric as the blouse. Plus I have a short sleeved shirt from another IW LP (see ) that is the same dusty rose color, so really happy to get more in this color.
CIMG0188 CIMG0189

Cute beige scalopette.
CIMG0201 CIMG0203

Beautiful floral print JSK, in a twill fabric that will be nice even into cooler weather
CIMG0204 CIMG0205

And my favorite item from both packs, this silky fabric JSK, with bow/cut out back detail
CIMG0208 CIMG0211

The only thing that did not fit (was just too big even with the lacing pulled tight) was this brown and cream JSK, will be selling it (and the extra blouse)
CIMG0216 CIMG0220

So overall really happy with what I got in the two LPs, just wish I knew what was the A and what was the B, for comparison on how many items you got in each
 Update: Here is my best guess of what was in the A vs. B set Packs:
Tags: lucky packs: innocent world

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