ladykoko (ladykoko) wrote in egl,

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Beginner loli

 Hello, quick introduction, call me Koko, I'm 15, live in south Texas, and a beginner to Lolita, although I've been interested in it for a while.
Recently I've bought Bodyline's Soft Cream JSK, and I love
it. Absolutely love it.
Ooo look pictures

the dress by itself (front and back)

me wearing it

Now being although being a beginner, I know some do's and dont's but I'd still love some suggestions.

I want to put together a very casual outfit with this, that's not really the problem, I have an idea of what I want to do and the guides on here are extremely helpful. But I'm wondering if it's okay to go without a blouse and a pannier? It get's really hot around here (max 110 F or so) and I do have a blouse (also from  Bodyline) and I could easily get a pannier but I really don't want to be sweating up a storm. So would it be fine?
Also the bow that comes with this dress. I've seen it worn differently, some girls pinning it on the dress and others putting it in their hair/wigs. I don't have a wig, I plan to style my hair whenever I wear this, but I'm wondering which of the two I should do? I don't have many hair accessories, so I think it'd be better for me to wear it in my hair, but I'm not sure?

Thoughts? Suggestions? Help?
Tags: discussion: rules in lolita, request: advice

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