I was chatting with a friend yesterday about the various Lolita communities, and I realized that I didn't know of one that was specifically dedicated to hair. I did a little searching, and the only things that popped up were links to various posts on EGL and the handbook in terms of LiveJournal. I thought it would be fun to have a comm where ladies and gentleman could discuss, share, and ask questions about how they do their hair when wearing Lolita, so I made one! It is aptly named, lolita_hair . (Totally creative, right? xD)
Posts are moderated for the moment while we get things up and running to avoid spammers, but membership is open! Please join and post tutorials, make daily_lolita -esque posts focused on how you do your hair daily with Lolita, share photoshoots and tutorials, give us news about cool accessories and other products related to Lolita hairstyles---whatever you like!
The rules can be found in the comm's profile and first post, and I am sure I will add to them as time passes if need be. The most important thing is that you have fun, keep things positive and make sure everything is all audiences appropriate! For the moment, I am the only moderator, but if it grows and people are liking it, I will most likely need help. If you're interesting in moderating, feel free to message me. However, the best place to contact me is on Facebook as I don't check my LiveJournal notifications as regularly as I should. If we're not already friends, just send me a request and a message. n_n
If you have any advice, tips, or concrit, do leave them here! I hope you enjoy the new comm!
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