Just a quick history lesson, Pittock Mansion is a Victorian mansion-turned-museum that overlooks the city of Portland. It was built by a couple and completed in 1914; and when they died the city ended up buying it and turning it into a big exhibit for people to walk through. SO let's get onto the pictures~
Our outfit shots ended up being later in the meet, but I'll go ahead and introduce you to everybody first:
Rikki is rocking country style!
Lindsey coordinates amazingly~
Kirsty is flawless, as always ♥
Natalie has the coolest dress ever!
Xander is representing boystyle!
I don't know how to pose lol.
Ashlee makes her mini skirt look adorably loli~
Jenna is a cutie trooper for wearing those shoes all day ♥
Ariann is a master seamstress!
Amber is a supermodel, seriously.
The first thing we did was a tour of the mansion! Some girls opted to just come for the picnic and explore the grounds instead; so I don't have pictures of everyone inside.
The staircase right when you walk in was gorgeous, so Ashlee made everyone pose on it. Here's what I wore that day.
And Ashlee...
...And Xander!
This is part of the kitchen. All that food and the glass of milk is fake! They really go the extra mile to make everything realistic.
There were lots of really cool places to take photos!
Can I just live here?
I can't get over how cute Jenna is!
This is the original front entrance. Ashlee wanted us to pose in front of it and it turned out so cool!
Amber noticed this cool reflection from the door and posed in front of it.
Ariann did the same. Such a cool Through the Looking-Glass feel!
I need this fan, it was so hot that day! Victorian mansions don't have A/C, either :P
Here's the view from one of the upstairs bedrooms. You can see the gorgeous grounds and the beautiful view of the city!
Long-lost relatives, perhaps?
OH GOD THIS SHOWER! It looked like some sort of torture chamber DDD:
...So we all took turns posing it it, of course.
"This sucks."
Fairy soap!
Super creepy children's room D: Normally I don't mind dolls at all, but dat clown puppet-thing...
Uhhhh yeah...
This is such a cool shot!
This staircase was crazy!
Yes they're taking pictures of that cat painting ahahaha~
After touring inside, we met up with everyone else outside and got our potluck picnic going~
Kirsty, Lindsey, Ashlee.
Rikki, Xander, Amber, Ariann.
Laura, Rikki.
Natalie, Crystal.
Jenna's bf and Jenna!
I was worried about having enough food for everyone, but it was perfect! This is like half of everything. I'm so glad everyone brought such delicious food!
Ashlee took this cute pic of me :3
Lindsey and I were twinsies~
She's so much taller than me though! MONSTER LOLI!
Group shot! Unfortunately Ashlee and Xander both got clipped a bit ;^;
Shoe shot!
Fingers! This is our new thing to do at every meet haha~
It was SO HOT that day! Oregon had been having wonky fall-like weather until Saturday when it went "OH LOL IT'S JUNE" and jumped up to 80 degrees @_@
To quote Rikki: "This is probably the best thing that has ever happened."
"No wait, THIS is the best thing that has ever happened"
Sweets together! We were trying to pose in front of the mansion but there was this awkward slope we tried to pose on for some reason hahaha
We all had strawberries on our dresses!
Dark outfits!
Milky Berry Dinos!
And then we found some stairs.
Ahahaha I love my pose in the front~
Eventually everyone started to leave since it was so hot and we were all pooped from walking around in the heat.
Aaaaaaand here's a silly little video I put together of a few moments from the meet. It's nothing fancy, but I hope you enjoy AND FEEL LIKE YOU WERE THERE, EVEN~
That's all! If you're interested in seeing more pictures of the mansion itself (and trust me you do, it's GORGEOUS) then check out my public blog!
I hope you enjoyed all the pictures~ <3
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