But let me cut to the chase; Do any of you have any tips on dressing more "maturely" in Sweet Lolita? Well...as mature as it can be for the sweet-style, like...an elegant strawberry cupcake or something? X3
Thank you, dolls!
Hello, lolitaknot .com is holding a giveaway event. Is any one ready to join in? Maybe, it is great budget😁
Uploaded my wardrobe video to youtube! Hope you all have a wonderful 2024 https://youtu.be/PLzIBTvn9XA
I love this set so much!! I bought is from a online store lolitaknot.com. Even though I keep waiting for almost two monthes, but when I got it, it…
Hello, lolitaknot .com is holding a giveaway event. Is any one ready to join in? Maybe, it is great budget😁
Uploaded my wardrobe video to youtube! Hope you all have a wonderful 2024 https://youtu.be/PLzIBTvn9XA
I love this set so much!! I bought is from a online store lolitaknot.com. Even though I keep waiting for almost two monthes, but when I got it, it…