Noah Korda. Yah its my blog. >INSERT WITTY TITLE < (dirtnap13) wrote in egl,
Noah Korda. Yah its my blog. >INSERT WITTY TITLE <

Anaheim, CA The Bats Day 13th year celebration Continues....

Anaheim, CA The Bats Day 13th year celebration Continues....

To help continue to celebrate the 13th year of Bats Day, there will be a Bats Day Holiday Black Market. Details coming soon for vendors and shopping. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list for vending, please send the following to - Email, contact name, company name, phone number & what you are vending.

Once the details are finalized we will send you the vendor application. The waiting list does not guarantee a spot at the Bats Day Holiday Black Market. All spots are on a first come first serve basis on payment.
Tags: !attention buyer/seller, !news, events: others

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