erinsamedi (erinsamedi) wrote in egl,

Career Lolitas (and other subculture types, if you are goth or mori or anything else too)

First up, this is NOT a "how can I be more Loli at work" post. I know that has been done to death, and that's not my question. I'm really more curious about people who have "career" type jobs. Jobs that are a 9-5ish, where you are working full time, on a career path, and must, absolutely MUST wear a conservative suit. I am starting to look for jobs in a VERY conservative field, but one that I love and am proving to be pretty good at.

I'm transitioning out of the world of working as a freelance artist who mostly works retail, and into this new, conservative profession. But, I'm starting to get a little worried about how to balence my personal life with my professional life. At any job I have, I must maintain a professional image among my career peers. What if one of them sees me in Lolita  outside of the office? Does anyone here have a conservative career job but is still active in a subculture on their own time? How do others balance their career life with their personal life? for the record, I'm older, late 20's and my style tends to be more classic-loli, retro-loli, or gothic lolita when I do go Lolita, and is usually more straight up Vintage/Quaintrelle when I'm not.

Anyway, I'd just love to hear some thoughts from other Lolitas who have conservative traditional jobs.
Tags: discussion: lolitas at work

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