cutedeer (cutedeer) wrote in egl,

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Review " Sugary Carnival Lavender" Replica VS. Original

 Hello girls and boys ^-^ 

this is my first review ever and English is  not  my motherlanguage so be patient with  me 

Thank you 

I ordered my replica in Dezember 2010 and it came today - so it took a long long time but it was cheep- I think around 50 € inkl shipping.
The communication was okay, had to wait sometimes or ask other members on fb .
THe envolope was sent on the 11th of April and arrived today ( 4th of may)

I wanted to have size s I think  it fits perfekt . My bust is 86 cm

please ignore my cord and face .
I wanted to show you how long this dress turns out- I am 158 cm "tall".
I like the length.
Edit: It has a built-in petti  with the hard tuell fabric 
- I didnt wear anything exept my thin h&m dress of the day underneath

It came with  a free headbow which surprised me because on fb she said that it will cost xtra. I think for waiting sooo long its a nice free present  of them 

I like the star charm at the end.
The bow is like other replica bows- not the strongest one but I think I can repair it very easily. and it was for free so I don´t complain.

Here are some facts which aren´t the worst thing in live but  which you wont have with a brand piece:

Serger- Thread on both side  in the inside of the dress.
But now they are cut away and the zipper can be closed.
The zipper works okay for a replica. 

My dress at two times number 25 written on the straps?!?!
hope it will be gone after washing.
You can also see how rushy rushy they fixed the bows.
you will see it later also on  the belly bows

The straps are fixed with a button and here they sewn the button on the wrong side of the strap
and you can also see the buttonholethread.
Okay also not the nicest but it can be fixed.

Ordering my original AP 

I ordered the original sugary carnival realse OP in Lavender  from the  AP Paris Blog  before easter and got it 3 weeks later.
The communication was okay but not the best.
2 mails without responsing. After send payment they didnt write me back for like 14 days . I  asked  again but after that everything went super quick.
The parcel from France to Germany took 2 days.
It came in a box and  a normal "Boddywood" bag which I thought is a bit dissapointing. Hoped for a nice pink one .
They added a free sticker.

But here are the 


The first thing I  noticed was the color
The original is a more soft-pastell-rosé tone
the replica is more blue lavender

The front : you can see the different lace, color again and of course that the original used the whipped pattern also.

The original  bow is much more neaten than the replica . The replica had black ??!?! thread? - I didnt understand this?!

The print from AP is much more delicate. The replica has not a soft structure like AP.
Edit: The fabric itself touchs much more softer from AP than the replica one.

They did a great job  on coping the lace. If you look clooser to the replica , you see, that its longer, has a different color and that the horses a bit smaller than the original one .

I love , that they added removable waisties!! Even the buttons aren´t the same!
Edit: Do you see the sewing line differences? 

Back shiring! I realle like that the relplica doesn´t have the cheep satin shiny ribbon band!

And last but not least the waisties: the replica ones are bit longer and doesn´t have the star trim but they are lined like the AP ones with lining fabric in white!.

So I hope you liked my long long review and the big pictures!


Tags: *angelic pretty, *dream of lolita, review product: dresses, review: brand replicas

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