Callie (callister_07) wrote in egl,

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2nd Transformation? eh?

ok so I did one already I know, but I wanted to make a better one! :D So here is a MORE step by step transformation for me! ^_^ ENJOY!

Also, wanna know a secret? This dress has polka dots on it near the bottom, and the ribbon that ties around the waist! ^^ YAY POLKA DOT THEME TOO! hahaha If I had worn my cardigan like I wanted to, I would have had more polka dots. But it was too hot! Oh well, that's Florida for yah. xD

First, this is what I look like when I just get up. Yes my hair is very wavy naturally. ;]

Hair pulled back and here we go!

Finally got my blouse on after pinning on the bows, underthings as well, and head to the bathroom for makeup! :D

MAKEUP IS FUN! say it with me now? 

Foundation, and powder are done!

Eyeshadow in place! soft pink, it was hard to get it to show well sorry.

Mascara process, does anyone else laugh at "the face" you make when you put on mascara? I do, I feel like Lotti from the Princess and the Frog when she is putting on her eyeliner and says " I used to think that wishing on stars was for crazy people and baaaaayyyybeeess." xD She does this long drawn out voice all deep like. Makes me laugh EVERY time. ^_^


LIPSTICK TIME! man I love this color! I got  it from Rimmel and the number is 900. It's such a great popping pink for sweet cords. ^_^

Clear coat over it so it doesn't dry out.

Kisses? Fishy lips? hmmm....

Now for the dress. I am wearing the "Lovely Poodle" JSK from Bodyline today. ^^


Oh! ok...that's better. ^_^;

Oh hey! Headdress magic go!

Cheesin. ;3 derp derp.

Fullbody=Final product! Sorry for it being in the laundry room, but it's the only place my mom would put the full length mirror. ^^;

With new purse+rilakkuma from kammie dear. <3! He goes with me everywhere now!
I know the purse doesn't match, but I didn't want to change everything out of it to another one. So...I get it, no matter how much I love blue it just doesn't go with this outfit. u_u 
xD I'll just have to try harder next time. lol

Bye Bye~!<3

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