Clarice de la Cielle (dolly_alice) wrote in egl,
Clarice de la Cielle

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Good thing I have such a good sense of humor. A review on clothesespeciallyforyou.

Hello Ladies,

After reading through some previous reviews on the ebay-shop that is said to be Momo's Handicraft Store under a new name, I decided to order this dress from them, because me and my friends planned a sailor and pirate themed meetup this month. I didn't expect too much from the beginning, but also thought that with a rather simple dress with decent looking lace, there wasn't THAT much that could possibly go wrong.

I ordered the dress on the 1st of April, so maybe I was simply the victim of their April Fool's joke. However, today and after some trouble with customs in Frankfurt, it arrived while I was at University, and when I came home, I had to try it on right away, so there are no pictures of the packaging. I'll do this review the other way around than what I (and most people) would usually do it, because that way it might be as funny for you as it was for me.

So here's my new dress, worn by me, with my horrible petticoat, which I first thought was the reason for the funny shape of the skirt part.

No, that is not my bra in the background.

Second picture! You probably can't see it well, but the back is a bit longer than the front. Nothing a few little modifications couldn't fix. Apart from that, and my messy hair and room, everything looks fine so far.

First big complaint: The fabric feels horrible, like plastic, it wrinkles easily and it makes a noise whenever I move, and it smells of chemicals. The smell might be gone after washing it, but I'm not sure if the fabric will become softer.

Lace detail. I'm very happy with this, it's nice and thick and soft and perfectly white. The white stripes are not satin, but a nice ribbon band, not shiny at all and also perfectly white (after having a blouse where the whites of the different types of lace do not match at all, this was one of my biggest concerns.)

The front.

The back. Sorry, it's not completely flat, the collar is not crooked, I'm just lazy. The shirring is fine, the dress is a size L and I still have room, although my measurements are exactly at the max of what the description says.

So all the horror fantasies of ugly lace and a dress that wouldn't fit didn't come true. The reason why I am writing this review, and why I advise you to not spend 70€ (including taxes) on this dress, is this...


As I said in the caption, it's good that I have such a good sense of humor and an emergency pirate outfit in my closet, because it was definitely not my petticoat making this dress look somehow lopsided! I'll take this dress to a tailor or ask one of my friends to fix it for me. So much on my first attempt at joining the Navy. Yo ho, yo ho, A pirate's life for me!
Tags: review product: dresses, review: ebay seller

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